Thursday, May 5, 2022

Chapter 258

Troy: "You wanna know a secret? This entire family is cray cray."

Ryan: "I knew that already."

Troy: "What would you say to possibly expanding your family?"

Troy discovered that asking sims to expand their family constantly works wonders for his aspiration. Every time he asks sims to change their career, it's never successful, but asking them to expand their family is apparently an easier decision.

Laura's diaper days have flown by and she has aged up into an adorable toddler!

She looks so much like Lilly!

Lilliana: "Finally! One of the kids looks like mommy!"

Abbie: "Why are we watching the cooking channel? This is boring."
Emilia: "I love the cooking channel!"

Laura: "I finished all my applesauce and I'm ready for a nap!"

No one came to collect Laura from her highchair in time and she fell asleep in it!

Gordon: "That's not nice."

Now that Laura is out of her highchair, it's time for her to level up her communication skill.

Happy birthday, Gordon!

Gordon aged up into a child! He immediately went outside to admire the snowfall.

Paddington: "Hey! Dinner! Look over here!"

Whiskers is not dinner, Paddington!

It's New Year's Eve time, so you already know what time it is.

Lin-Z: "Dancing time!"

Of course, every single Parsons in the household began dancing.

Servo: "I'm the best at dancing!"

Troy: "Would you consider a change in your career path, by any chance?"

Tina: "I told you, no way!"

Troy: "What about expanding the family? Look how adorable my family is."

Another one of Troy's friends came over to become BFF's with him.

The Parsons bathroom curse has returned once again.

Paddington, no!

Lilliana: "Paddington, cats can't eat cheeseburgers."

Paddington: "What about hamburgers?"

Terrance came over for a visit and immediately got greeted by Troy trying to make more friends.

Servo is now working on the rock climbing skill. He's now level 9 of the skiing skill, but needs to actually ski down a mountain before he can max the skill out.

Lilliana: "Buttercup, we don't wake sims up, okay?"

Buttercup: "I'm a good cat."

It's New Year's Eve! 🎉🥳


Noodle aged up into an adult!

He's so adorable! He matches the ball.

These toys are very worn out. I think it's time to purchase some new ones.

It's go time!

Lilliana: "Thank gosh, my back is hurting so bad!"

Meanwhile, these two are outside playing on the swings!

Lilliana: "I need to tinkle before I give birth."

Buttercup aged up into an adult!

Lilliana: "This hurts!"


It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Colby Parsons!

Troy: "Will we become BFF's if we play a game of Don't Wake the Llama?"

Townie: "Sure, why not?"

Abbie: "I almost woke the llama!"

Emilia: "Hmm... focus..."

Laura: "I wanna play Don't Wake the Llama!"

Gordon is observing Whiskers.

Gordon: "You're so adorable!"

Don't let Whiskers get too close, you don't want him to bite your nose!

Troy: "Why is it so hard to make BFF's? I just spent all day trying to become good friends with this townie!"

Laura and Servo reading at the same time! This is one of the most adorable things ever.

Colby's diaper days have flown by and he has aged up into an adorable toddler!

He looks exactly like Troy!

Where did you come from?!

Colby: "What is that?"

A doll from TS3.

Colby: "I don't like it! Send it back!"

These two are obsessed with their toys, they're always outside playing with them!

Ooh, Midnight has come to visit during midnight!

He's also obsessed with his toys, still.

Lilliana: "Buttercup, we don't jump on the counter."

Buttercup: "Yes we do, I just did it."

Happy birthday, Troy!

Happy birthday, Lilliana!

Troy aged up into an adult!

So did Lilliana!

They're still just as in love as ever.

I love Lilly's new hair!

Lilliana: "Me too!"

Midnight, leave the stove alone!

Lilliana: "Why the heck is the stove floating? That's so creepy!"

Healthy Paws vet clinic is open for business!

The two best vets in town are ready to work.

Servo: "Are you ready for another day?"
Lilliana: "Yep! I'm finally able to work while not being pregnant for the first time in ages."

Lilliana: "My first patient is adorable."

Lilliana: "Let's zap those fleas away!"

Aww, poor kitty.

Servo to the rescue!

Meanwhile, Lilly is upstairs making some treats to put into the vet vending machine.

Servo: "Glowing nose and a fever?"

Servo: "This is a case of Lava Nose!"

Gabriella is getting a lot better at het veterinarian skill. Lilly has been sending her to training almost every day.

Lilliana: "Hmm.. by the looks of your chart..."

Lilliana: "You're a healthy pupper! I'd better give you your preventative shots, though."

Servo: "This pup definitely has Derpy Doggy Syndrome."

Servo: "I'll craft some treats for the vet vending machine. It's a real simoleon maker!"

Lilliana: "My, those are some very glowy paws you have."

Lilliana: "Looks like Pyrotoes to me."

Gabriella is now tasked with crafting vet treats. This will hopefully increase her veterinarian skill, too.

Lilliana: "More glowing paws."

Servo: "Wow, your fur is frozen solid!"

Lilliana: "Yet another case of Pyrotoes!"

Servo: "You're doing such a great job, Gabriella!"

Gabriella: "Gee, thanks. Maybe it's time for a raise... or a promotion... or both?"

Lilliana: "Hmm... your fur is definitely frozen."

Lilliana: "Aha! This is a case of Frozen Mange!"

After a succesful day, Healthy Paws vet clinic is closed for the day! The clinic is so close to reaching 4 stars!

Lilly couldn't wait to get home to her own pets.

Colby: "Hey, what about me?"

Lilliana: "Paddington ran out to hug me first, so he gets the first hugs."

Oh no! What happened to Whiskers?!

Oh... he just went on some kind of trip. He scared the heck out of me!

Since Servo is tired after working at the vet clinic all day, poor Troy has to fix the broken appliances.

Claudio is here!

So is... who the heck is this?

Troy invited one of his BFF's over at the crack of dawn and is attempting to discuss expanding his family.

Laura: "Chompy is my BFF!"

Lilliana: "Can you guess who my BFF is?"

Lilliana: "That's right, you guessed it!"

Troy even followed his BFF into the bathroom.

Troy: "You see these muscles? If you get muscles like these, they will help you build a bigger house so you can expand your family."

Townie: "Why do you keep asking me to expand my family?"

So he can complete his aspiration, duh.

Troy's BFF went home, so he had to find another townie to force to be his BFF.

The kids are home from school!

Speaking of BFF's, Lilliana needs to make some friends of her own for her aspiration, but those friends aren't sims...

They're cats and dogs!

Lilliana: "The best kinds of friends ever!"

Troy: "Maybe I can make some pet friends instead. I'm not having much luck with the townies."

Gordon: "Pet friends are the best!"

You're definitely your mother's son.

Happy birthday, Abbie!

Happy birthday, Laura!

Abbie aged up into a teen!

And Laura aged up into a child!

Laura: "Does that mean I have to do homework now?"

Yes, yes it does.

It's a beautiful morning in Brindleton Bay!

Healthy Paws vet clinic is open for business!

Lilliana: "I wonder if we'll make it to 4 stars today? I purchased the premium advertising package, I also purchased some new and improved tools. It slightly increases the bill for vet treatments, though."

We'll see how it goes!

Lilliana: "This is an interesting fur inspection."

Lilliana: "He has no fur at all!"

Servo: "Why does every patient have a glowing nose lately?!"

Lilliana: "There must be a cat cold going around right now."

Looks like the premium advertising package worked, there's so many new patients! This will be hard to keep up with, though.

This pup is definitely not happy.

Oh, look who it is! Ryan!

Lilliana: "My little brother is here?"

There's so many sims!

Oh lawd.

Gabriella: "Help me!"

I had to convert the pet toy room into another examining area to compensate for so many new patients.

Servo: "Hey, Ryan. Your dog is in good hands."
Ryan: "I know he is, you're the smartest robot in the world."

Gabriella: "Your fur is looking healthy, but everything else isn't. Poor pup."

Servo: "Aha! This is a case of Advanced Swampmouth!"

Look who decided to visit the vet clinic!

Troy: "While we wait for mommy and Servo to be finished work for the day, I'll teach you some manners."

Colby: "What are manners?"

Troy: "Manners are when we say polite things like 'please' and 'thank you', unless a sim is a meanie, then we don't say either of those things."

Lilliana: "This is too much, we can't keep up with all these patients, the vet clinic rating is starting to go down! I surrender for today!"

Healthy Paws vet clinic is closed for today! It's actually more difficult than I thought to reach 4 stars, let alone 5. Lilly will need to do some research on how to increase the vet clinic rating.

Back at home, the kids are doing their homework and looking ever so happy.

Abbie is the only one using her desk. Everyone else has a desk, they just never use them!

Hey, back away from the rodent, you two!

Happy birthday, Emilia!

Emilia aged up into a teen!

Emilia: "That means I did my elementary school homework yesterday for no reason, doesn't it? Just smile through the pain..."

Pixie aged up into an elder!

Pixie: "I'm still adorable though, right?"

Of course you are!

Midnight has come to play with Lilly!

Lilliana: "Who's a good boy?"

Midnight: "Woof! I am, I am!"

Gordon: "I love my trash bag!"

You're just like your great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother, Paisley.

Lilliana: "You won't believe how many patients were in the vet clinic yesterday, babe!"

Lilliana: "They wanted us to perform miracles! They were like 'I wAnT mY pEt CuReD iN LeSs ThAn TeN MiNuTeS, oR eLsE iM LeAviNg'."

Troy: "I hear ya, sims are awful. It's been so hard for me to make BFF's."

The Parsons decided to visit the dog park!

Lilliana: "I can't wait to make some more pet BFF's and train Noodle."

Troy: "Woah! I almost slipped!"

Troy: "Alright, time to make some friends and discuss expanding the family with them 40 times."

Lilliana: "This freezer bunny icy pop is good!"

Pixie: "Dog park! Now I can run, run, run!"

You do that all the time indoors.

Troy was able to talk to this sim briefly for 2 seconds before she up and left.

He decided to invite his BFF to the dog park.

Lilly began making some dog friends.

Luckily, she's able to become friends with pets after just one greeting. If only Troy were so lucky with sims.

Colby decided to use the slide.

Colby: "That was scary! I don't like the slide."

Lilliana: "Noodle, come use the obstacle course!"

Noodle: "This is fun!"

I never noticed that the tunnel lights up until now.

Noodle: "I'm the smartest pupper in Brindleton Bay, why haven't I been entered in any competitions yet?"

Lilliana: "I would if I could! That doesn't exist!"

Ryan: "Future cube, will my family ever not be cray cray?"

Ryan: "No? Aww, come on!"

Lilliana: "You look very proud of yourself."
Noodle: "I am. I deserve a dog treat after completing the obstacle course."

Lilliana: "You'll get a dog treat after you sit!"

Noodle: "Sit? What does that mean?"

Ryan: "Let me get out of here before Troy tries to discuss expanding the family again."

Troy: "Wait, Ryan! Before you leave, let me convince you to expand the family!"

Ryan: "I was so close to getting away!"

Noodle: "Is this how you sit?"

Lilliana: "Yes, it is! Good boy!"

There's a lot of sims here for Troy to make friends with.

Troy: "Where are you going, Ryan?"

Troy: "I didn't get to finish discussing expanding the family!!!"

Lilliana has finally reached level 5 of the pet training skill!

Lilliana: "Why did that take longer than I expected?"

Lilliana: "Thanks for your help, Noodle! Here's your dog treat!"

Lilliana: "Now, all I need to do is complete my aspiration, max out my veterinarian skill, and get the vet clinic to 5 stars."

Colby has been levelling up all his skills, too! He's almost level 5 in the walking skill!

Abbie: "Tell Emilia to stop taking selfies with me in the background!"

Emilia: "Hey! Abbie took my phone!"

Abbie: "I hate selfies!"

Laura: "My sisters are so annoying."

Troy: "I'm so close to completing my aspiration. All I need to do is discuss expanding the family with sims a few more times!"
Gordon: "This whole family is annoying."

Paddington: "Give me your pancakes right now."

Ryan: "No, Paddington! Pancakes can make you sick, and you're already sick. Your nose is glowing!"

Lilly offered a sugar skull to Claudio's urn and this random sim popped up. I never knew that was a thing.

Claudio is out and about!

Since the old birthday cake expired, this is the new designated birthday cake until it also expires.

Happy birthday, Colby!

Colby aged up into a child!

Lilly has everyone playing with the laser pointer!

Poor Whiskers has passed away from old age. Rest In Peace, Whiskers.

Aww, so cute!

Poor Pixie is sick! Luckily her owner is a vet and can cure her ASAP!

I don't think Pixie likes Lin-Z. I wouldn't either, it's been playing music nonstop for 3 days straight.

Noodle: *Howl* "Wake up, I'm bored!"

Laura: "Seriously, Noodle?"

Luckily Emilia didn't wake up.

The Parsons have a new small pet! Introducing Thimble!

Have a fun day at school, y'all!

Emilia: "We won't!"

Troy invited his BFF Tina over.

Troy: "Hey, Tina! Wanna come inside?"

Tina: "Sure, why not?"

Troy: "I'm one step closer to completing my aspiration!"

Speaking of aspirations, Colby is trying to complete the 'Whiz Kid' aspiration.

It's so difficult completing childhood aspirations since they're usually always at school.

Lilliana: "Hi there, pupper!"

Lilliana: "You look like you need some brushing!"

Lilliana: "Aww, what a cutie!"

Troy: "So, would you like to discuss expanding your family for the 50th time today?"

Noodle: "Hey! Stop socialising with other dogs and give me a bath!"

Lilliana: "Don't be jealous, Noodle! You're still my #1 dog BFF!"

Lilliana: "I need to tinkle."

Lilliana somehow invited over one of her dog friends by phone.

Who knew dogs had phones?

And, of course, Troy invited Ryan over as soon as Tina left.

Troy: "Can you guess what I'm gonna say?"

Ryan: "You're gonna discuss expanding the family again, aren't you?"

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

Servo is helping Colby out with his aspiration.

Servo: "I'm just warning you, no one can beat me at chess."

Colby: "You won't even pretend to lose for a kid? Please?"

Colby: "I'm already about to lose!"

Colby: "Was that the right move?"

Servo: "Nope."

Servo: "Will I let you win just so you can be happy? Also nope."

Colby: "Aww, man."

Troy: "Okay, okay, I'll switch the topic. Why not discuss a career change?"

Ryan: "Why do I keep agreeing to come over to this place?"

Woohoo! After becoming good friends with 8 cats and dogs, Lilliana has completed her aspiration 'Friend of the Animals'! I'm so proud of her!

Now, she has earned the 'Animal Whisperer' trait! This should make running the vet clinic a lot easier!

Troy: "Alright, you can go home now. I won't discuss expanding the family until later."
Ryan: "Yippee!"

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