Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Chapter 58

Cameron and Loki are back from their walk and Kalani is off to work.

Jade: "Ducky?"

Jade: "I love you more than green crab block!"

Zayn: "My truck is better than Jade's ducky."

Cuddling a truck, that's totally normal.

Makayla: "My son is stranger than me."

Zayn: "I heard that."

Cameron: "Everyone in this house is strange. Aren't we all used to it by now?"
Cam's tolerance for this family is growing less and less by the day.

Zayn: "I don't need a spoon!"

Zayn: "I'm still gonna fling my food in the air!"

Reece: "Why do I keep coming back here?"

Ella: "Stop pretending you hate it here."

Joey: "Once upon a time, there was a prince in the woods."

Joey: "The prince was..."

Joey: "Wait, this story is actually pretty interesting."

Joey: "Woah, the prince fell off his horse?"

Zayn: "You're supposed to read to me. Not yourself."

Zayn: "Now I refuse to sleep."

Makayla: "I haven't missed this huge belly."

Joey: "Me either."

Makayla: "What did you say?"

Joey: "Makayla, I love you more than potatoes!"

Makayla: "That almost rhymed!"

Joey: *I think she forgot what I said about her belly.*

Makayla: "You're not off the hook yet. I still remember what you said about my belly."

Not this painting again.

Cupcake: "I could paint better than that."

Anyone could.
Cupcake: "Damn RIGHT!"

Makayla: "Ahh! The baby is coming!"

Makayla: "Wait, my clothes smell clean."

Makayla: "And they look pristine."

Joey: "Ah! What do we do?!"
Makayla: "We go to the hospital, dumb ass."

Joey: "She gets more mean every time."

It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Finn Parsons!

Joey: "Welcome to the family, Finn."

Joey: "Get ready."

Joey: "It will be a crazy ride."

Joey: "There's a lot of crazy people."

Joey: "But you will grow accustomed to it." 

Joey: "You may even turn crazy yourself."

Oh my gosh!

You are so adorable!

Yes, you are!

Makayla: "It took a lot of energy delivering this one. Back to bed."

Cupcake: "I'm not the youngest anymore!"
Cameron: "Get used to that. People pop out kids all the time around here."

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