Saturday, March 1, 2025

Chapter 342

Truffles has made her way to the Parsons' new house!

No surprises here. Nimbus is taking yet another nap.

Hey! Are you trying to escape the Parsons again, party bot?

Happy birthday, Jack!

Jack aged up into a young adult!

Aaand, here we have our generation 28 heir! He was also valedictorian of his class!

Jack: "I'm so awesome."

Happy birthday, Spencer!

Spencer aged up into a teen!

Jack is joining the astronaut career!

He's also signing up for Cupid's Corner to try and find 'the one'.

Jack: "This profile picture should do it."

Jack: "Off for a jog I go."

Jack needs to level up his fitness and logic skills for his new career.

After his jog, he decided to workout using a power sculpting video.

Jack: "One... two... three..."

Speaking of careers, Servo has reached the top of the engineer career in the 'computer engineer' branch!

Next, he'll be completing the secret agent career in the 'diamond agent' branch.

Servo: "Well, well, well, if it isn't my lovely wife Bonehilda calling me."

Jack put a chess table in his room to practice his logic skill.

Servella has been sleeping on this bench on the porch since she started staying here. I have no idea why... there's plenty of beds upstairs.

Servo: "Why don't we play a friendly game of chess together?"

Jack: "Servo thinks he can kick my butt, doesn't he?"

Servo: "That's because I can... anywhere, anytime, any place."

Jack: "...I don't think you're wrong."

Elle: "It's raining!"

Elle: "Don't mind me, I'll just be running around in the rain and jumping in puddles for the next hour."

Finally! Servo cut a gemstone valued at $2,500 simoleons!

Now, all he needs to do is wait for it to charge so he can use it to summon the Grim Reaper and finally complete the 'Crystal Crafter' aspiration.

Servella: "Ugh! I don't feel like cooking anymore. It's making my neck hurt just thinking about it!"

Servella: "And I need to tinkle."

You can't just leave your unprepared food on the counter!

Ringo may not be as intimidating as Shortcake while guarding the door, but he gets an A for effort.

Elle: "The party bot is the best thing ever. It plays awesome music and gives food and drinks!"

Jack is off to his first day of work as an astronaut!

Elle: "Let's go for walkies, Ringo!"

Elle: "It's raining again? ...Must... resist... urge... to... jump... in... puddles!"

Lester: "School was awful today!"
Spencer: "I would kick school's butt if I could!"

Elle: "Not to brag, or anything, but I've already reached the top of my career and got to jump in rain puddles all day long."

Suintor is now fully trained!

Next, time to train Veild!

Lester: "Why is Nimbus staring at me?"
Elle: "I think you're in his napping spot."

It's getting dark and the cut gemstone is beginning to charge!

Guess who already got promoted?

Jack: "With no matches on Cupid's Corner... bummer."

Servella: "So, is anyone gonna clean up my unfinished cooking?"

Pumpkin: "I volunteer to help clean up."

No! You're not eating more human food!

It's the beginning of the Blast From the Past event! Apparently, a brilliant flash of light and resounding boom echoed throughout the town, sparking curiosity and rumors. A mysterious figure appeared, both familiar and strikingly different. Elle is tuning into the news to find out what's going on.

TV: "We're receiving reports of a potential time traveller in town. Their identity, origin and purpose remain unconfirmed. However, several sims have noted the distinct blue hair of this new arrival that they believe to be Emit Relevart. Over to you, Ginny."
Elle: "Emit Relevart? I wonder who that could be."

Elle: "I'll check out his social media!"

Elle: "Hmm... he most definitely has blue hair."

Elle: "Say, Jack... have you ever heard of an 'Emit Relevart'?"

Jack: "Someone told me they saw a flash of light while they were near the Willow Creek park."

Elle: "Perfect!"

Elle: "Honey, have you ever heard of Emit Relevart"?

Owen: "Who?"

Elle: "Servo, I just know you've heard of Emit Relevart."

Servo: "I heard through the grapevine that he's a time travelling sim that's currently in Willow Creek."

Elle: "It's raining here in the park, too?"

Don't start jumping in puddles. Look for Emit Relevart!

The queen has been spotted!

Elle: "I don't see him anywhere. I'll just sit here and maybe he'll appear eventually."

(Uh oh! Looks like MCCC dresser took away Emit's cool outfit! I tried everything to fix this, but nothing I did worked, so we're just gonna have to accept him in regular clothes.)

And appear he did!

Elle: *This must be him!*

Elle: "Hey there, I'm Elle! Are you Emit Relevart by any chance?"

Emit Relevart: "Hey Elle, great to meet you! Why yes, I am Emit Relevart! Technology expert and time traveller extraordinaire! I've been jumping around through time on a bit of a mystery, and I'm kind of stuck. I've been exploring the past, where we come from... it's been quite an adventure in simulation! However, I have noticed some ripples in my travels and have suspicions that items through time have gone missing. Have you noticed any things out of place?"

Elle: "I haven't noticed anything. Maybe we can ask around?"

Elle: "Hey there! Have you noticed any unexplained missing items?"

Townie: "I planned this big surprise party for the neighbourhood, but the cake I ordered never arrived!"

If it was a fruit cake, maybe it was for the best.

After completing the first few event tasks, the Parsons earned the very first collectable missing sim milk carton!

Elle is growing more and more curious about these missing items. She needs to refresh her memory in The Sims Archives.

While in The Sims Archives, Elle's attention was caught by an oddly dressed sim burying a time capsule. It seemed to glow in an unfamiliar manner, and she feels like the time capsule may still exist. She can't shake the feeling, and now she has to find it!

Elle: "Who needs sleep when you have coffee?"

Elle: "This day old coffee is delicious!"

The gnome jet cut gemstone is now fully charged and Servo can use it to summon the Grim Reaper!

After summoning the Grim Reaper, Servo has completed the 'Crystal Crafter' aspiration!

Meanwhile, Elle is outside searching for the special time capsule.

Elle: "I found it! This is so emotional!"

Elle: *Gasp!* "It's empty, except for a single item - an IOU note!"

Elle: "I need to call Emit to report my findings."

Elle: "Hey, Emit. I've tried to call you three times. It's 5AM already, who sleeps in that late?! Come over ASAP, I have an important update!"

Emit came over immediately.

Emit Relevart: "You really found the time capsule?"

Elle: "I sure did! I found an IOU note that reads: 'If you're reading this, I don't have time to explain everything. Let's just say I needed to borrow some things for now. Catch you later... or earlier.'."

Emit Relevart: "I see! Yes, it's starting to all make sense now. A thief is taking the missing items! But, why and who? I can't help but wonder if that time-travelling thief is here and in this time right now..."

Elle: "Alright, the jig is up. You're the time travelling thief, aren't you?!"

Owen: "Huh? If I could travel through time, do you think I would be here and not with the dinosaurs?!"

Elle: "Servo, I just know it has to be you! We're not even advanced enough to have robot butlers in our current society!"

Servo: "To piggyback off of what Owen said, if I were a time traveller, I would be anywhere but here."

Elle: "A-ha! Servella, you're secretly a time travelling alien thief, aren't you?!"

Servella: "Me? I can't even make a salad. What makes you think I'm smart enough to be a time traveller?"

Elle: "Alright, it's definitely not any of these ding-dongs. There must be some more clues at the library."

Since Elle was too tired, Jack volunteered to head down to the library to look for clues.

Jack: "Hmm... this History of Time Travel book might have some answers."

Jack: "Apparently, it all started with someone time travelling in an attempt to fix past mistakes. In doing so, the fabric of time itself crystalized and became something material."

Jack: "It goes on to say that while some believe books, movies or even video games are merely windows into the past, others believe they may be a form of time travel itself. This only means one thing... the answer must be in The Sims Archives."

Jack saw a strange glowing crystalline object being held by a hidden figure. That's the time thief! Jack must be on the right track.

He headed down to the museum in Brindleton Bay to search for more clues.

Jack: "Hmm... this historical display must have some clues."

That didn't work, so Jack headed down to the museum in Del Sol Valley. After studying the historical display, Jack noticed a glowing object emanating from it! He plucked the object from the display and put it in his pocket.

Jack: "An elder sim has to know more about this mysterious object."

Jack: "Hey there, neighbor!"

Elder Townie: "Hello there."

Jack: "So, I found this mysterious object while studying a historical display at the museum. Would you happen to know anything about it?"

Elder Townie: "Oh my... that's a shard of time! I never thought they were real! I remember stories from when I was a youngster about something like this. Sims believed it was an echo from the past which could be used for time travel. But, I always thought they were just that... stories."

After talking to this elderly neighbor, it's clear Jack is definitely onto something!

Well, well, well, it appears the Parsons are gonna need this burglar alarm in case of any unwanted visitors.

Pumpkin: "Make sure to tell the burglars to never steal my food bowl."

According to a little internet research, the shards are echoes from the past and exist everywhere in the world. If the Parsons look hard enough for the faint glow the shards have, maybe they can find some more.

Jack: "I see a faint glow coming from the couch. It's gotta be in here!"

Owen: "Stay away! There's no faint glow in this baked potato."

Servella: "I don't feel like cooking. I'm off to take a nap."

Oh, come on! You're gonna leave your unfinished meal on the counter again?

Servo is adding some upgrades to the new burglar alarm to make it unstoppable.

Nimbus: "Who needs a burglar alarm when you've got an awesome guard cat like me?"

Knowing you, you would nap through any burglary occurring.

Elle: "I see even more faint glows of light all around the living room!"

Spencer: "My family has officially lost it!"

I think that happened long ago.

Owen: "How long ago?"

From the very first Parsons that graced the sim planet.

Owen: "Lester, could you move out of the way?"
Spencer: "Yeah, this show is too awesome to be blocked!"

Lester: "I'm not sitting on the couch next to you two crazies."

Jack: "Me neither. I'm outta here."

Elle: "Emit! Look what we found... three shards of time."

Emit Relevart: "Where did you find these? I thought I was the only one who knew about them. These little echoes of the past can be used to build a time machine. Which, hey, you know what? Yeah... you're going to build one of your own!"

Three down, three to go!

Jack is back to working on his logic skill using the telescope.

Jack: "I'm able to track one of the satellites from my work using this thing!"

Elle is down at the library in Willow Creek to further uncover this time travelling mystery.

Elle: "Hmm... Theoretical Electronics by Nikolai Volt. Nikolai theorized that a time travel component could be built with a piece of ironyum, a piece of plathinum and a common electronic component. The final item must contain the essence of time... but he was unable to discover what held time. Lucky for us, we have that item!"

Servo is here to help! He needs to repair something while level 2 handiness skill or higher. Maybe tinkering with the library public toilet will help?

Jack found the ironyum!

Elle found the plathinum!

Where the heck have you been, Servella?

Servella: "It's a long story."

Tinkering with appliances isn't working, so Servo will need to purposefully break the toilet in order to fix it again to complete this event task.

Jack: "Still no matches on Cupid's Corner... bummer."

Oh no! The toilet is broken! Whoever will fix it?

Servo: "Did someone call for help with an unexpected broken toilet?"

Hooray! Servo repaired the toilet, found the electronic components and completed the event task!

Having put Nikolai Volt's theories into practice, the creation of a time traveling component has been invented... or reinvented! With the theoretical component brought to reality, it's time to put it to use.

Uh oh... after attempting to put the component to use, the computer became fried!

Servo: "Are you kidding me?! At least the component is still intact."

Elle: "I can't believe this happened. This is a huge setback... which calls for veggie pizza rolls."

Lester: "Someone tell Spencer to stop! He's been taking selfies all day nonstop!"

Elle: "Enough with your flower petals, Flower Bunny! I've got some serious thinking to do while eating these veggie pizza rolls."

Flower Bunny: *Gasp!* "How could someone not like flower petals?!"

Elle: "Alright, I've had time to think... and I think we need to call Emit over to tell us what to do next."

Jack is back to working out with the power sculpting video for his work task.

Elle: "Bad news. The component completely fried our computer!"

Emit Relevart: "Here's the thing, Elle, you installed a powerful new component and didn't give it enough processing power! That's why the computer fried. It doesn't need much more power. It just wasn't enough."

After overclocking the computer, the time travel component has been installed, and the computer given sufficient power. Everything learned from Emit and the literature of Nikolai Volt is now in place! Maybe now, the thief will be seen in action.

Elle: "Okay, you've come this far... there's no point in turning back now!"

Elle: "Everything will go fine with the time travel! Just as long as I stay away from butterflies, everything will be fine!"

...Why butterflies?

Elle: "A-ha! There you are, thief! I caught you and I got your email!"

Elle: "Great news, Emit! While playing through the archives, I had that same uneasy feeling as when simulating the various events and was able to catch the thief in the act! I also got their email address."

Emit Relevart: "Great, it worked! I wonder if you can use the same technology to actually send an email through time and find out why any of this happened to begin with."

It can't hurt to try.

Elle: "I got an automatic reply? It reads: 'I am sorry. I am currently AFK, so to speak, and find it best to respond to all correspondence via snail mail. There's a good chance your inquiry is already there with you. Does that make it really snail mail... or, best to not worry about it.'."

Emit Relevart: "That only means one thing... to the mailbox!"

Elle: "Not now, cleaner bot. I'm retrieving a very important letter from the mailbox."

Elle: "That was fast. Definitely not 'snail mail' at all. The letter reads: 'To Elle Parsons, I didn't mean to worry anyone. I know I should have asked before I did what I did. I was really just trying to save stuff from the past for the future and have some fun! I'm sure we'll run into each other... in time. Gotta run! I have some things to pickup. -  Sincerely, the Thief.'."

Hooray! Through completing event tasks, the Parsons now have all of the missing sim milk cartons!

Elle: "Emit! It turns out the thief was really just a super fan of the present and was trying to preserve items from the past for the future. The thief has the right intentions, but the wrong methods."

Emit Relevart: "Well, I can't blame a fellow time traveller for wanting to preserve the past. I can't say I agree with the thief's methods, but nobody was hurt other than a few who overslept a bit. Thank you, Elle, for all of your help! I have to be heading back... or forward... I'm so confused now about when I came from and when I'm going. Whenever that is, though, I think I'll get a grilled cheese sandwich. Ta-ta, and thanks, Elle! I couldn't have done it without your help."

The Parsons have now completed the Blast From the Past event!

One of the rewards was this awesome nostalgic cake from TS1!

Elle: "This cake is awesome!"

What better cake to age up with? Happy birthday, Elle!

Happy birthday, Owen!

Owen aged up into an elder!

So did Elle!

Elle: "Honey... I suddenly forgot how to use my phone after aging up into an elder."

Hooray! Servo has reached the top of the secret agent career in the 'diamond agent' branch! Next, he'll be going back to the civil designer career in the 'civic planner' branch in order to complete the 'Eco Innovator' aspiration.

He needs to be able to sell power on a water or electricity bill. The only way to do that is to install some water collectors and solar panels.

Good thing it's already raining!

Ringo: "Everyone's asleep and I wanna play."

You have plenty of toys inside!

Somehow, he found the cat mouse ball toy and decided to chew it next to Truffles.

Jack: "This satellite is huge!"

Jack: *Sobbing* "Why can't I go into space yet?"
???: "Hey! I couldn't notice but hear a sim loudly sobbing. Is everything okay?"

Jack: "Yeah... everything's fine. It's just that I'm still just a technician at my job. I'd love to be an astronaut one day, so looking at satellites makes me wish I were able to be up there in space already."

Daniella: "Don't worry. I'm sure if you continue to work hard at your job, you'll be promoted and be able to go into space in no time! I'm Daniella, by the way."

Jack: "Thanks, Daniella. I'm Jack."

Daniella: "Who wants to be up in space right now, anyway? I bet the aliens are up there making fun of us right now!"

Jack: "Aliens? That makes me want to go to space even more..."

Daniella: "But, they would be like 'LoOk aT tHiS SiLLy SiM uP hErE iN sPaCe!'."

Jack: "I guess you're right. It's better for me to be in space when my logic and fitness skills are a bit higher."

Daniella: "That's the spirit! Then, you can make fun of them for being inferior!"

Owen: "Well, well, well! I just spotted Jack outside talking to someone... who could she be?"

Daniella: "Did you just see that guy staring at us in the window?"

Jack: "That would be my embarrassing dad who desperately wants me to get a girlfriend."

Daniella: "A girlfriend?"

Jack: "...I mean... he really likes when I talk to neighbors."

Elle: "I wonder what they're talking about?"

Owen: ♫ "Jack and a townie sittin' in a tree!" ♫
Lester: "My parents are so embarrassing!"

Servo is finally back to crafting cut gemstones. The upgrades on the burglar alarm took forever!

I wonder what's going on out here- oh, okay!

That escalated quickly!

Jack: "Let's have another romantic kiss in the rain to make things official!"


I guess these two are official, now!

Nimbus: "Will the TV ever not be terrifying?"

According to you, absolutely not.

Daniella: "This place is so nice!"

Until you meet the crazy sims that live here.

Jack: "What do you think of my room?"

Daniella: "It's super nice!"

Daniella: "I love that you have a framed picture of yourself on the wall."

Jack: "Maybe we should take a picture together for the other wall."

Daniella: *Fart!* "Excuse me!"
Jack: "If you weren't so pretty, I'd be a lot more disgusted right now."

These two clearly have no privacy with all the pets around.

Aww, so cute!

Daniella: "You're so handsome."

Jack: "I know, right?"

As soon as the pets left, this occurred.

Romantic selfie!

Perfect for the other wall.

Jack: "I know things have moved fast, but I'm really falling for you."

Daniella: "Really?"

Daniella: "I feel the exact same way."

Jack: "I'm glad."

Nimbus: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Nooooooo! Nimbus!

Rest In Peace, Nimbus Parsons. You were a wonderful cat who loved to take naps all day long. You will be dearly missed.

Claire the Bear has been spotted roaming around Willow Creek!

Servo: "What's this strange light?"

It's a spaceship!

Servo, how do you fall for this every single time?!

Welp... off he goes.

Hours later, Servo has returned... hopefully not pregnant again.

What happened up there?

Servo: "Brain... scattered... can't... THINK!"

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