Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Chapter 10

Little floof. 😻

Phoebe working on her mental skill. 🎣

Potty training time! 🚽

You guys! Phoebe found this while fishing! It’s a pet ambrosia treat, so when Gracie dies, we can bring her back to life!! Will queen Gracie outlive all of the generation 1 Parsons?!

When you find out Gracie will live forever.

Everyone wants Gracie to live forever!

Fish and chips!

(And some leftover turkey from Harvestfest. 🤫)

Could it be... twins?! 😰

Averie sound asleep. 😴

Phoebe made some adorable Fall crafts! When will she get the memo that it’s Winter, though? 🤔

Kieran and Bryanna finally have a comfortable bed to sleep in!

Kieran and Bryanna finally have a comfortable bed to sleep in! Also, a brand new room upstairs.

It’s pretty bland right now, but you know the drill, they never have money.

It’s a beautiful, peaceful morning in the Parsons household.

What could possibly go wrong?

The baby decided it was too peaceful, so Bryanna’s amniotic sack bursted!

And Kieran is just eating pancakes like nothing is happening. He’s used to it by now! 😂

They’re excited for the baby coming along!

It’s a boy! 💙 Introducing Mason Parsons!

Bryanna continued eating her pancakes as soon as he was born.

Kieran bonding with his 39384th child! 😍

Sister talk!

It’s a blizzard outside! It’s definitely Winter! 🥶

Kieran and Phoebe decorating the Winterfest tree! 🎄⭐️🎅🏻

Zander is very happy about his new baby brother!

Averie is such a cutie! 😍

Brushing Gracie’s floof! 😻

So smiley! 😃😍

Bryanna, that’s rude to block the tiny 1cm TV!

Yes, the Parsons are STILL eating leftover turkey from Harvestfest. 🤫

Gracie and Phoebe! 😻😍

Added two more windows to the top of the house! 😊🏡

Kieran and Bryanna are aging up into adults!

Still the cutest sim couple! 😍❤️

Averie seems happy about her new broth-

Oh... never mind. 🤣

Zander is sick of pancakes. 😂🥞

AH-RISE AND SHIIINE ☀️ if you know you know.

Phoebe and Bryanna are loving the snow! ❄️🌨☃️

Kieran’s favorite things!


And dancing!

Why is this picture so calming?

I want to steal this dog.

Gracie loves the snow too! ❄️🌨☃️

Phoebe had a good day at school!

They finally got a bathroom upstairs! It was a MUST since the Parsons already have 4 kids. (Ignore the messed up bedroom window, I noticed later on and fixed it. 😆)



Phoebe: “UGH.”

Cover your eyes, children!

This dog just strolled by, dropped a rainbow poop...

Then looked at me like “tf you looking at?”

Phoebe telling her dad about her many life adventures.

Everyone loves moulding the clay and eating on the couch.

Mason aged up into a toddler! He’s so adorable!! 😍💕

Bryanna: “Who dropped this trash all over the floor?!” You did, Bryanna. 🙄

The default Winterfest decorations were ugly but I couldn’t be bothered to change them. 😂❄️

These three are so close!

Bryanna is pregnant again! This is the last one I promise guys, lmao. 😂💕

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