Sunday, February 11, 2024

Chapter 319

It's Servo's first day in the acting career! He's on set for the filming of 'The Sheriff from Alpha Centauri'.

The set looks amazing!

Servo: "In I go. Wish me luck!"

First thing's first, Servo needs to practise his lines before being on camera.

Director: "Servo, you made it!"

Director: "We're so honored to have you here on set to star in our movie."

Servo: "I can tell by all the confetti."

Servo: "Hey, Judith Ward. I'm assuming you're a background character."

Judith Ward: "I sure am. It's an honor to be a background character to a movie you're starring in."

Servo: "I'm ready for my closeup."

Director: "That's the spirit! Just head to the stage whenever you're ready and we'll begin filming!"

Director: "Actors, to the stage!"

Director: "Lights!"

Director: "Camera!"

Director: "Special effects!"

Servo: "The special effects is dirt raining from the sky? How fun."

Director: "ACTION!"

Sheriff Reynolds: "What do you think you're doing here? I know you're apart of the notorious gang, the Phox X-Ecks."

Outlaw: "No, I'm not!"

Sheriff Reynolds: "Don't play dumb, you know your gang isn't welcome here in Alpha Centauri, partner."

Outlaw: "What are you doing with that SimRay?!"

Sheriff Reynolds: "I'm taking you downtown!"

Outlaw: "AHH!"

Sheriff Reynolds: "You're heading straight to the slammer."

Director: "CUT! Actors, prepare for the next scene!"

Director: "Aaand... ACTION!

Sheriff Reynolds: "Before I take you to jail, let me rough you up a bit, partner."

Outlaw: "Ow, ow, ow!"

Sheriff Reynolds: "That's what you deserve for invading our town."

Outlaw: "My head!"

Director: "CUT! Prepare for the jail scene!"

Director: "Actors, stand on your marks ...ACTION!"

Sheriff Reynolds: "I knew you were a swamp monster underneath that costume!"

Outlaw: "Why do I have to keep explaining this to everyone? I'm not a swamp monster, I'm a very hideous alien!"

Sheriff Reynolds: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't wanna hear it."

Outlaw: "Are you gonna let me go, or what?"

Sheriff Reynolds: "Are you kidding me? You're not going anywhere! Especially not until I find the rest of the Phox X-Ecks. Your gang is no match against me and my posse of Browncoats."

Outlaw: "Good luck finding the rest of my gang, because I'm not telling you where they are!"

Director: "CUT! Next scene! ...Aaand, ACTION!"

Sheriff Reynolds: "Aha! I knew I'd get a confession out of you. Into the slammer. Now!"

Outlaw: "Aww, man..."

Outlaw: "Alright, alright, you got me."

Sheriff Reynolds: "Don't even think about trying to escape, partner, or you'll be attacked by my SimRay once again."

Director: "CUT! Final guitar scene!"

Servo: "Now, I get to grace the screen with my angelic vocal chords."

Director: "ACTION!"

Sheriff Reynolds: ♫ "One by one, we'll take down this notorious gang." ♫

Sheriff Reynolds: ♫ "Even if it's the last thing we doooo." ♫

Sheriff Reynolds: ♫ "Until then, you'll hear me sang, but I ain't sanging the blueees..." ♫

Sheriff Reynolds: ♫ "Not only am I a sheriff riding around near and far, but deep in my heart... I'M A ROCKSTAAAR!!!" ♫

Sheriff Reynolds: "Y'all come back now, ya hear?"

Director: "CUT! That's a wrap!"

Servo: "That was easy."

Director: "Bravo, Servo, bravo! That performance was out of this world!"

Servo: "Why, thank you. Feel free to hire me for any future gigs. I don't have anything else lined up in the near future."

Not only did Servo earn gold, but he has also been nominated for an award for his breath-taking acting performance! Hooray, Servo!

Now that Servo is about to star in a movie, the paparazzi and fans are only gonna get crazier.

Servo: "Hello?"
Well Suited Talent Agency: "Servo, that was excellent! You're a star, buby! The agency is a buzz. We are certain your name will be on the shortlist for a Starlight Accolade this year."

Servo: "It'd better be. I have aspirations to complete!"

After being the starring role in a movie all day, Servo is now ready to sit down and knit peacefully.

Meanwhile, the laundry is piling up yet again.

Kira: "This place is a pigsty!"

Kira: "What if more laundry piles up as soon as I load this laundry bag into the washing machine?! I can't handle anymore laundry!"

Roxxi: "That would be horrible for her, but entertaining for me."

Nathaniel: "Should we keep leaving laundry all over the ground just to stress mom out?"

Jeanette: "You read my mind."

Kira: "Ah! There's laundry EVERYWHERE!"

Kira: "Where the heck is Bonehilda? She should be cleaning this up, not me!"

Paparazzi: "I'm one of the few paparazzi who knows where Servo lives. I can't wait to invade his privacy and snap a picture of him as soon as he leaves his home. Hopefully, he slips on the banana peel I left outside the front door so I can get a super embarrassing picture of him!"

Smoothie: "I already ate the banana peel. I thought it was for me."

Servo: "This is why I love the cats more than any other sim around here."

Smoothie: "You think you can escape my grasp, mini soccer ball? Think again!"

Roxxi: "Social bunny selfieee!"

Roxxi: "That selfie sucked."

Zeke: "Only I can never take a bad selfie."

Would you two get a room?!

Zeke: "You know I love you more than anything, right?"

Kira: "Even more than yourself?"

Zeke: "Uh... let's not push it."
Kira: "I knew it."

Nathaniel: "What's with the acne all over your face?"

Roxxi: "I don't know. Where's your missing tooth?"

Jeanette: "BURN!"

Zeke and Kira are working on the next mural while Servo heads inside to knit.

Lady: "What's happening out here?"

Lady: "Tell the hoomans to stop painting. I want attention."

Kira: "Oof, I really gotta tinkle."

Zeke: "Just don't pee yourself like you've done in the past."

Kira: "Don't mention that out loud!"

This graffiti artwork is coming along nicely!

Roxxi: "What are you two so smiley about?"

Jeanette: "We're smiley because we're still in grade school and don't have super difficult homework."
Nathaniel: "Unlike you!"

Zeke: "Hey, Angie! Wanna come inside?"

Angie: "Now that I'm here, I'm not sure I do. I don't want the crazy to take hold again."

Since Bonehilda isn't here for the weekend, the cleaner bot is here to take her place!

Kira: "Does it clean up laundry, by any chance?"

It's Winterfest time! 🎄🎅🎁

Which means it's time to decorate the winterfest tree.

Zayn: "This tree is hideous!"

It doesn't even have any ornaments on it, yet...

Zayn: "Exactly! Why the heck did we buy a tree without any ornaments?!"

Kira: "My husband is a dummy."

Kira: "We have to add the ornaments ourselves, babe."

Zeke: "Oh... that makes sense."

Kira: "Hmm... should we go for red or blue ornaments?"

Zeke: "Even after adding the ornaments, this tree is still ugly!"

Bonehilda: "I wish I could help decorate the winterfest tree... instead, I'm cleaning toilets."

Kira: "I think it's about time to light the tree, what do you say?"

Zeke: "Let's do it!"

The winterfest tree is all decorated!

Now, all there's left to do is place some gifts underneath.

These two can get back to spray-painting another mural now that they're finished decorating the tree.

Mochi: "Can I play with the tree ornaments?"


Lady: "I already ate one of them."


Smoothie: "Can Servo knit me a cat treat?"

That's not how knitting works.

Looks like Lady is tired after barking outside all day non stop.

Zeke: "Guess who was promoted again?"

Woohoo! Zeke has reached the top of the athlete career in the professional athlete branch! This was definitely one of the easiest careers to complete.

Get excited for the winterfest breakfast, Roxxi. Servo was up all night cooking that.

Roxxi: "I'm not impressed."
Zeke: "Man, tough critic."

Nathaniel: "Neither am I."

Poor Servo.

The Parsons have begun their voidcritter collection! They purchased some voidcritter booster packs which had lots of duplicates.

Servo: "I wonder which cooking utensil I'll receive this year?"

Kira: "A football? But, I like soccer!"

Nathaniel: "I hope it's a voidcritter card!"

Nathaniel: "It is!"

Jeanette: "A new chompy toy? Yay!"
Nathaniel: "My gift was better."

Zeke: "I hope it's a soccer ball!"

It may be winterfest, but it's also filming day for VoidBops.

Servo: "Alright, I think I've memorized every single lyric. If not, I can improvise something way better, anyway."

Servo: "I'd better post a selfie on simstagram to keep my followers happy."

Director: "Are you ready to film, Servo?"

Servo: "I was born ready! ...Well, I actually wasn't born, I was created on a robot tinker station in a garage... but let's do this!"

Director: "Actors, to the stage!"

Let's hope Servo does really well today! I'm sure he will.

Judith Ward is working in the background again.

Director: "Lights!"

Director: "Camera!"

Director: "ACTION!"

Servo: "Hey, everyone! Ignore the crazy llamacorn woman behind me punching the giant unicorn plushie."

Llamacorn Woman: "Ugh! Stupid unicorn plushie!"

Servo: "Have you heard the new VoidBop album, yet? If not, you're missing out."

Servo: "It's chocked full of tunes that are sure to get you up on your feet and dancing!"

Director: "CUT! Prepare for scene 2!"

Director: "ACTION!"

Servo: ♫ "VoidBops, VoidBops, just for you! It's got all your favorite tunes!" ♫

Servo: ♫ "All your favorite songs on this CD, come on everybody, sing with me!" ♫

Servo: ♫ "VoidBops, VoidBops, VoidBops!" ♫

Servo: "Featuring all your favorites!"

Director: "CUT! Now, for the final scene."

Director: "ACTION!"

Servo: "Vulpes and all his friends from the Mauven Forest are bringing you all their traditional songs!"

Servo: "So, what are you waiting for?"

Servo: "Order now on CD, cassette, and wax cylinders!"

Director: "CUT!"

Director: "That's a wrap, folks! Great job, Servo!"

What a great day of work for Servo! If this doesn't qualify him for a Starlight Accolade award, I don't know what will."

Nathaniel and Jeanette set up a voidcritter battle station in the living room.

Mytheme vs Vulpes!

Nathaniel: "Ha! I almost knocked you out!"

Jeanette: "Key word: almost!"

Nathaniel: "Urgh! You're so annoying!"

Jeanette: "I paralyzed you! I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win!"

Nathaniel: "Hey, that's not fair!"

Oh no!

Mytheme fainted!

Jeanette: "I win! You lose!"

Nathaniel: "Argh! I can't believe you won!"

Roxxi brought home a school project.

Kira: "How are we gonna make a water bottle rocket using clay?"

The Yarnys are driving me nuts. They always gather in the most inconvenient spots!

Roxxi's project is complete!

Roxxi: "Shall we test this thing out?"

Kira: "You read my mind."

Roxxi: "I think we could have added a bit more duct tape."

Roxxi: "And, maybe a bit more clay."

Up, up, and away!

Roxxi: "Now, let's see if the mini parachute mechanism works."

Kira: "I hope so, I spent a whole hour on that thing!"

The water bottle rocket has returned.

Roxxi: "I think we've got an A+ on our hands."

Kira: "Of course we do, I'm a genius."

Roxxi: "Hey, I worked on the project, too."

Kira: "Does that make you a genius like me?"

Roxxi: "If you're a genius, then everyone is a genius."

Smoothie: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Noooooooooo! Smoothie!

Rest In Peace, Smoothie Parsons. You were a wonderful, smart cat. You will be dearly missed.

Poor Dimitri came over right as Smoothie passed away.

Nathaniel: "I'm training Mytheme so we never lose to Jeanette ever again!"

Apparently, kids are more likely to find rare voidcritters by searching in garbage cans.

Nathaniel: "No rares, but I found an uncommon voidcritter!"

Jeanette: "Maybe we'll have better luck with the park garbage can."

Jeanette: "It worked! I found an Articorn!"

Hooray! That's a rare voidcritter!

The Parsons collection is increasing fast.

I also want all of the Parsons voidcritters trained to level 10.

Did I spend lots of simoleons and time obtaining all these voidcritters? Yes, yes I did. The collection is still not complete, though.

For some reason, there's a pet adoption drive happening inside this apartment complex?

Servo: "They're all leaving a mess! Don't I have enough mess to deal with?!"

Uh oh! Trying to transform different objects too many times has resulted in another fire!

Servo: "Don't worry, I've got it!"

This poor stray kitty got slightly singed fur from the fire, but she's fine.

Servo needs to take a break from transforming objects for a while.

Mochi, no!

Mochi: "What? I was inspecting the food to make sure it was safe to eat."

Roxxi: "What are you looking at, stupid face?!"

Nathaniel: "Woah! All I said was 'good morning'."

Servo needs to practice some romantic acting scenes for his upcoming dayting TV gig in 'Wild Flames'. Luckily, he has Bonehilda to help him out.

Servo: "You're so beautiful, my sweet love."

Bonehilda: "Oh, why thank you."

Servo: "Your face... it's just so kissable."

Bonehilda: "Woah!"


I can't tell if they're acting or not.

What the heck are you doing?

Mochi: "What? Can't I clean my tail in peace?"

Jeanette invited over her friend Stephanie from school.

Jeanette challenged her to a voidcritter battle since she has an Articorn now.

Stephanie: "Your level 1 Articorn is no match for my level 8 Mytheme."

Jeanette: "Ugh! But, the Articorn is supposed to be more powerful!"

Stephanie: "Ha-ha! I win, you lose!"

Looks like the Articorn needs a lot more training.

Nathaniel: "I saw your VoidBops commercial. It was awesome! Everyone at school is talking about it."

Servo: "I guess you could say the commercial was a bop."


Jeanette: "It worked last time, maybe I can find another rare voidcritter in this same garbage can again."

Nathaniel: "Are there anymore garbage cans nearby? Jeanette already searched in two of them."

Nathaniel: "Found one!"

Nathaniel: "No voidcritters... only trash."

Who would have thought?

Don't mind Servo, he's just dumpster diving for deals in the hopes that he'll find some dust spirits since it's so difficult to find them in Granite Falls.

He's also searching the pet toy box for some marbles. For some reason, it indeed has marbles inside.

Zeke: "Maybe I can find something rare in here."

Uh... that's not a good idea, Zeke. You actually have a hygiene bar, unlike Servo.

I couldn't exactly capture it with a picture, but there were a few earthquakey tremors in San Sequoia!

Kira: "That scared the living daylights out of me!"

Kira: "I was in the middle of dumpster diving!"

Zeke: "Skewers for dinner again?"

Zeke: "Why not try making something different next time, Servo?"

Servo: "Why not try cooking for yourself for once?"


Happy birthday, Nathaniel!

Happy birthday, Jeanette!

Nathaniel aged up into a teen!

So did Jeanette!

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