Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Chapter 259

Abbie: "Ugh, I had the worst day at school!"

To make matters worse, now you have to do your homework.

Lilliana: "I'm glad I don't have to do homework anymore... wait... I'm doing homework right now, I'm working on a vet treat for the vet clinic at home."

Troy: "Hey, Ryan! Glad to see you around here again!"

Ryan: "What do you mean? I was just here yesterday. You discussed expanding the family 700 times."

Colby: "Why won't you let me win a game of chess just once?"

Servo: "Where's the fun in that?"

Troy: "You wanna know another secret? I can beat Servo in chess!"

Ryan: "That wasn't a secret, it was a flat out lie!"

Lilly crafted a vet treat for her dog friend.

I see you're still in a great mood.

Abbie: "Shut up!"


Troy's long time BFF is here!

Excuse me?! Put your clothes on, sir!

Servo is already friends with Thimble! I wonder if he's a biter like the other small pets, though.

Thank gosh this guy put his clothes back on before entering the house.

Servo is helping Colby complete his childhood aspiration by reading to him.

Troy: "What do you think about expanding the family?"

Townie: "Wow, I never thought of that, that's great advice, Troy!"

Woohoo! Troy has finally completed his aspiration 'Neighborhood Confidante'! This aspiration was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm so proud of him!

Lilliana: "This ham and cheese sandwich smells like ham and cheese."

Wow, what a surprise.

Healthy Paws vet clinic is open for business!

Lilliana and Servo have a lot of cleaning up to do after the previous patients that were here.

Before the patients begin arriving, Lilly is crafting some vet treats for the vet vending machine.

So is Servo.

The first patient of the day requires surgery.

This is Lilly's first time using the surgical station.

Lilliana: "Alright, let's see what we're dealing with here."

Lilly is performing an Unblock Chute Surgery.

She's doing a great job.

Here's Servo's first patient of the day!

The surgery went great! This pup is feeling all better!

Servo: "What a marvellous coat you have."

Lilliana: "My first surgery ever was a success!"
Customer: "I hope the bill isn't too high."

I'm no expert, but that looks like a case of Lava Nose to me.

Poor Wallace is back once again.

Oh no, it's the creepy alien from the beach at Troy and Lilliana's honeymoon!

Why do the pets always attack Gabriella?

Wallace unfortunately also needed surgery.

He needs Extract Excess Cuteness Surgery.

What the heck?!

Lilliana: "Uh... that wasn't supposed to happen!"

Lilliana: "I think I pressed the wrong button! Let me quickly fix that..."

Phew! Thank gosh it was an easy fix.

Wallace is feeling all better! He just needs to wear the cone of shame.

Lilliana: "I'm glad I'm feeling confident enough to perform surgeries, now. I should be able to help so many more patients!"

After curing Wallace, Lilliana reached level 10 of the veterinarian skill! Woohoo! I'm so proud of her!

Servo: "I think this poor kitty will also need Extract Excess Cuteness Surgery."

Unfortunately, the game glitches every time Servo tries to perform a surgery. It doesn't let him finish what he was doing, so he'll need to stick to the exam table only.

All of Troy's BFF's are here.

Lilliana: "My, what beautiful fluffy fur you have!"

Lilliana: "Hey, Gabriella! We're sending you to do more training!"

Gabriella: "Fun! I'm almost level 7 of the veterinarian skill, now!"

Servo: "Looks like a case of Sizzlepaw."

After the vet clinic closed and everyone arrived home, Paddington aged up into an elder!

The Parsons bathroom curse is back.

Why the heck are you all crowded around the food bowl? One at a time!

Healthy Paws vet clinic is, once again, open for business!

I'm trying very hard to get the vet clinic to 4 stars. Right now, it keeps going up to 4, then back down to 3.5. Nice decorations apparently help with the rating, so ignore this expensive fancy decor set up in the corner.

Getting the clinic to 5 stars won't be easy. I had to remove the premium advertising package and the more expensive vet tools. After the customers notice the nice decorations, Servo and Lilly will need to greet patients as soon as possible, keep the stress level of the patients below 50 at all times, diagnose 100% accurately and cure every patient, call the pet a good pet before they leave, then bill the owner. It's a difficult process!

They also need to keep Gabriella cleaning at all times and not treating patients until she maxes out her veterinarian skill.

Lilliana: "We need you to do nothing but clean all day, please. How does that sound?"

Gabriella: "Sounds easy to me!"

Come on, Servo! If anyone can help the vet clinic reach 5 stars, it's you!

Lilliana: "This looks like a case of Frosty Fur Flu."

Gabriella, what are you doing? You're meant to be cleaning up puddles!

Lilliana: "Good pup!"

Apparently, this cleaning robot also helps a lot with the vet clinic rating.

Servo is here to upgrade it, first. What would the Parsons do without Servo?

Clean those puddles!

This poor pupper needs surgery.

Great job, Lilly!

Aww, the cone of shame. Poor pup.

The strange alien man from Troy and Lilly's honeymoon is back!

And he's erasing all of Lilly's vet knowledge!

Troy's BFF is here and once again... he is naked. Put some clothes on, please!

Lilliana: "Looks like a case of Frosty Fur Flu."

All better!

Gabriella: "I know I've only been cleaning puddles all day, but I think I deserve another promotion and a raise."

Troy: "Ouch!"

Troy: "Why do our small pets always bite our noses?!"

Lilliana: "I don't know... but it's kinda funny... hehehe."
Troy: "I'm not laughing."

Happy birthday, Gordon!

Gordon aged up into a teen!

Servo: "You know what that means. More homework."
Gordon: "Don't remind me!"

Good morning, y'all!

Abbie: "Is it a good morning? Is it?!"

Healthy Paws vet clinic is open for business!

Aaand the vet assistant is already getting attacked by another dog.

Lilliana: "Hmm... looks like a case of Sizzlepaw."

Lilliana: "Here you go! Now, you'll stop attacking sims, right?"

Servo: "I think this pup will need surgery."

Lilliana: "Your fur looks ice cold, buddy!"

Servo: "I can't operate this thing."

No kidding. Unfortunately, Servo bots can't use the vet surgery station. I have no idea why. That won't be good for the vet ratings.

Why are there so many sims in the surgery room?!

I think you missed the puddle in the background.

Lilliana: "Hmm... fleas. Looks like you'll need surgery."

Why the heck does he need surgery for fleas?!

Colby set up his own chess station upstairs so he can practice while his mom is working.

You couldn't have thought of any other cure for fleas, Lilly?

The final patient of the day.

Lilliana: "What a great day!"

Back at home, all of the kids are doing their homework.

Are you sleeping with your eyes open?

Pixie: "No!"

Oh... okay, carry on.

It's a beautiful morning in Brindleton Bay!

I try not to spam too many Brindleton Bay pictures... but it's just so pretty!

Lilly is working on her charisma skill on her day off.

It turns out the tea maker allows you to make teas that will alter your sims' moods!

Lilliana: "I hope I'll be confident after drinking this tea!"

Lilliana: "It worked. I'm the best sim ever."

Troy: "I want some confidence tea too!"

He walked all the way to the bedroom just so he can sit next to Servo while drinking his confidence tea.

Thimble is living his best life after biting his fifth sim of the day.

Servo: "Who wants some grilled chicken?"

Looks like no one does.

Let's hope some TV will cheer them up.

A show about World Adventures? Looks interesting!

Agatha: "My cousin is riding her bicycle again."

It's mandatory that I say: They see me rollin', they hatin'.

Troy's BFF is at the Parsons house more than he's at his own house.

Happy birthday, Laura!

Laura aged up into a teen!

No one is ever happy about aging up!

Aww, Midnight came to visit!

Colby: "I'm a little sick of chess."

Colby decided to try out the kids science station!

Colby made his first potion! This is meant to be a cure for hunger. Hopefully it will come in handy one day.

Lilly has been working on her charisma skill all day. This is one of my least favorite skills, but sims always seem to need it for every career.

Servo is still working on his rock climbing skill even though he's never stepped foot near a rock climbing area.

Colby: "I wanna make a happy potion next!"

Colby is a little genius!

Healthy Paws vet clinic is open for business!

Lilliana: "Let's get this vet clinic to 5 stars."

Uh... as you can see, I'm trying everything to increase the decoration level of the vet clinic, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Lilliana: "It looks... interesting in here."

What the heck is it gonna take?!

Maybe some of Servo's masterpieces will do the trick.

Servo has painted a lot of freezer bunny paintings.

This had better work.

Maybe some of the Parsons frogs and insects will do the trick. They count for a decoration point.

It's not working!

Lilliana: "Do you feel stupid yet?"

Yes, yes I do.

These knight statues have to do the trick.

Knight 1: "Hello, sir."
Knight 2: "How do you do?"

Let's throw in some postcards while we're at it.

And some of Servo's photographs.

Lilliana: "Do you like the decor, Servo?"
Servo: "I hate it."

Looks like the staff like it, at least.

Lilliana: "Hey, there! We're ready to treat your pet!"

Townie: "Will my pet get better, future cube?!"

Lilliana: "Oof, this pup's breath stinks!"

Lilliana: "Open wide!"

Lilliana: "Hmm... looks like you're drooling uncontrollably because there's a blockage. We'll need to head to the surgery station."

Servo: "It must be nice to be able to use all of the vet's facilities since you're not a Servo bot."

It's so strange that Servo bots can't use vet surgery stations.

Why do you keep missing the puddles?! You have one job!

Lilliana: "Alright... let's see what's going on here."

Lilliana: "Yep... there's definitely a blockage."

Lilliana: "This pup seems to have swallowed a toy on accident. I'll be able to fix it in no time, though."

Uh... Lilly?!

Lilliana: "Oops... that wasn't supposed to happen."

All better! Poor pup has to wear the cone of shame, though.

Troy's BFF pops up at the most random times.

Servo is schmoosing the customers.

Colby decided to visit the vet clinic and get a head start on his homework.

Okay, I finally decided to just google the issue with the decoration points. It turns out, after Eco Lifestyle dropped, the decoration system was redesigned, and it's pretty much not possible to earn the 'Beautifully Decorated' moodlet anymore, which is required for a 5 star vet clinic. Healthy Paws vet clinic is gonna have to sit at its current 4.5 stars.

I'm so proud of Lilly, though. She reached level 10 of the veterinarian skill and managed to reach the highest level vet clinic possible!

Happy birthday, Abbie!

Abbie aged up into a young adult! Now, get out.

Claudio came to visit and give Servo some cuddles!

Lilliana: "It's such a gloomy day outside. Bummer."

Woohoo! Troy reached level 10 of the charisma skill! I'm so proud of him!

Be careful, Lilly. Thimble may be small, but he's dangerous!

Noodle loves being by Servo's side at all times.

Lilliana: "Who's my favorite kitty? You are! Yes, you are!"

Quick! Get inside away from the thunderstorm, kids!

It's meant to be summer! What the heck?!

Abbie, why the heck are you here mopping puddles outside in a thunderstorm?!

Emilia: "She's insane!"

Buttercup: "Everyone here is insane... except for me."


Abbie won't leave! She's been playing on the computer all night!

What a lovely smile.

Emilia: "Did you hear there's about to be a new social media app called 'Social Bunny'?"
Gordon: "I can't wait!"

Troy: "You've been working so hard at the vet clinic lately, you deserve a massage. My hands are very delicate."

Lilliana: "Oh, is that so?"

Lilliana: "Wow... your hands are delicate!"
Troy: "Told ya."

Thimble is very nice to Lilly. He doesn't bite her as often as he bites other sims.

Since Abbie took a slice of the designated birthday cake, this will be the new one.

Paddington: "What the heck is that?!"

You haven't realised there's been a hedgehog here for weeks now?

Oh no! The Parsons barbeque was struck by lightning in the thunderstorm.

Happy birthday, Emilia!

Emilia aged up into a young adult! Now, get out.

The homework crew is getting smaller.

Paddington: "Less sims equals more food for me, right?"

Uh... no.

Happy birthday, Gordon!

Gordon aged up into a young adult! Now, get out.

Laser focused!

Colby: "There's another scary storm outside!"


Laura: "How 'pretty' is Brindleton Bay now?"

Not very pretty. It never stops raining here!

Colby: "At least I can stay inside and work on my potions."

Colby completed the 'Whiz Kid' aspiration! Hooray!

Gordon just moved out, and he's already back to visit.

Colby: "Do I have to age up now?"

Yes, yes you do.

Happy birthday, Colby!

Colby aged up into a teen! (Don't worry, I fix his strange eyebrows soon.)

Colby: "Wait a minute... I'm a teen. Does that mean I'm going to Copperdale High?"

It sure does!

Colby: "Go Womp Womps!"

Why does this look like a mixtape cover?

Midnight visits all the time to play with Servo.

Troy: "Who's excited for high school?!"

Colby: "Me! I'm a little nervous, though."

Troy: "Your first day of high school! I can't believe it. I remember when you were still a toddler and I was still teaching you manners in the vet clinic."

Servo needs to make friends with a lot of pets to complete the 'Friend of the Animals' aspiration.

Colby: "Alright... here goes nothing."

Welcome to Copperdale High, Colby!

Colby: "I need to post this milestone on Social Bunny. I'll keep it vague and write... '#nervous'."

Guess who's back? Back again?

Colby: *Gulp*

Colby: "I hope the principal is nice."

School Principal: "Welcome to Copperdale High, Mr. Parsons. I hope you settle in without too much trouble. We have two periods, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, otherwise we give our students the freedom to interact and socialise with their peers and to study at their own pace.

Colby: *Gulp* "Sounds good..."

Colby: "Hey... my Social Bunny post got one reaction!"

School Principal: "Uh... anyway... you'll be in class 1, you should go find your teacher and say hello. Don't forget to claim a locker, too."

Colby: "This is so much pressure! I have to say hello to my teacher and claim a locker?!"

Student: "Hey, look at me! I'm doing the T-pose challenge!"

Student: "What the heck is that?"

Colby: "Alright, I've claimed my locker and decorated it nerdy like me."

Very fitting!

Colby: "Why is no one else reacting to my Social Bunny post?"

Looks like the teacher is more nervous than Colby.

Colby is the first one in class!

Get off your phones, y'all!


Teacher: "Alright, everyone, put your phones away. We're gonna learn maths."

Finally, they listened!

Colby: "What the heck is this? Why are letters all of a sudden involved in maths?"

Welcome to high school: where letters suddenly enter maths.

These parking spots are so cute!

Looks like there's another class in session across the hall!

Is this what principals do while students are in class? Randomly stroll around the school?

Colby: "I need to immediately post about my first ever class on Social Bunny!"

Lunch time!

Colby: "I'd like some sliders, please."

Why is everyone wearing blue? Did Colby miss the memo?

Colby: "Stupid popular kids... sitting with the principal."

What in tarnation is going on here?

Colby: *Munch, munch*

Daphne: "Greetings, I saw you sitting here by yourself."

Colby: "Oh, hey! Thanks for joining me. I'm a little nervous about my first day. Is this your first day, too?"

Daphne: "It is indeed- why are sims sitting next to us all of a sudden?"

Is this the table of all the sims who ordered sliders for lunch?

Colby: "I think we just sat next to each other in maths class."

Daphne: "Yes, we did! You're quite smart, like me. I'm Daphne, by the way. Would you like to join the computer club? I'm going to join this afternoon."

Colby: "Computer club? That's right up my alley. Of course I'll join! I'm Colby."

Is it really the best time to clean the tables while sims are eating at them?

Parker Langerak: "You should totally join the sports club instead duuude."

(This is off topic, but I created a save file for the Parsons filled with different sims and families from previous sim games!)

Colby: "I'll join the sports club when pigs fly!"

Daphne: "I see you hate sports too! We're going to get along quite excellently."

Back to class for Colby!

He sat next to his new friend, Daphne. They also friended each other on Social Bunny!

Time to learn Simlish!

Teacher: "Get out your books, everyone! It's time to brainstorm!"

Are y'all excited to learn some Simlish?

Colby: "I'm excited for this class to be over."

Colby: "Second class... a success. I'll text Daphne and ask if she wants to visit the ThriftTea shop."

Daphne: "Oop! Colby sent me a text message. I'll text him back and say yes, I do want to visit the ThriftTea shop."

Colby: "I'll text Daphne back saying I'll meet her there."

Daphne: "You know I'm standing right next to you, right?"
Colby: "I'll text her back saying 'yes'."

Daphne: "Really?"
Colby: "Sorry... let's go."

The ThriftTea shop is so cute!

What the heck is Holly Alto wearing? And since when is she a 'fashion enthusiast'?

Oh. My. Gosh. This is adorable!

Eloise Hiddlestix is the owner of the ThriftTea shop!

Colby: "I'm here for one reason and one reason only... bubble tea."

Daphne: "You've never tried bubble tea before? It is quite delicious. My personal favorite is the rainbow flavor."

What is this outfit?!

Colby: "I'd like one mango bubble tea, please!"

Lydia: "Coming right up!"

Daphne: "I'd like one rainbow bubble tea, please."

Lydia: "Of course!"

Ooh, the boba tea machine is so cool!

It's straight out of the future.

If you blink, you'll miss this animation, but sims poke a straw into the top of the bubble tea!

Colby: "Hmm..."

Colby: "It's delicious!"

Daphne: "You didn't wait up for me, Colby!"

I don't like tea, but these bubble teas look delicious.

The sims even crunch on the little boba pearls in the bottom of the drink!

Colby: "Aww man, I want more bubble tea."
Daphne: "I told you they're quite exquisite."

Colby: "I'm really glad we came here."

Daphne: "As am I. This is a lot more fun than doing homework straight after school."

Colby: "It sure is! You wanna look at some of the fashion trends here?"
Daphne: "Sure!"

Colby: "They don't have much 'nerdy chic' here."

Daphne: "I need to tinkle after all that bubble tea."


I'm so glad Colby had a great first day at school and made a new friend!

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