Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Chapter 335

The party bot is, once again, being very encouraging while Servo is trying to max out his romance skill. It's even playing romance music!

It's a rare moment when all of the Parsons kids are in one picture!

According to Bubblegum, the dresser is the perfect sleeping spot.

*Sigh* Toffee, you're seriously still obsessed with the toilet?

Toffee: "It's just so cool!"

School is in session!

Oop- looks like one of the teachers has discovered Elle's whiteboard prank. Hopefully he doesn't find out it was her.

Elle: "An apple a day keeps teachers away."

Rachel: "I spent all morning hairspraying my hair, but it needs more hairspray!"

Look who it is!

Owen: "I wanna go home."

You two had better pay attention. Being a straight A student gives you a better chance of becoming heir and remaining stuck with the crazy Parsons forever!

Teacher: "Welcome to art class. Today, we're learning about perspective and shadows."

It's lunch time! I don't think Owen is very fond of cafeteria food.

Looks like these two are now friends.

Owen: "How many people were jealous of our social bunny post about our mini prom?"

Elle: "Seven total people!"

Elle: "They're totally jealous."

Owen: "Our mini prom was way better than an actual prom could ever be!"

One more class for today...

School's out! These three are headed to ThriftTea.

Uh... is there a secret meeting happening here that I don't know about?

Elle: "Maybe the latest trend is office fashion."

Townie: "I will now read a page from my very embarrassing diary."

Elle: "No one wants to hear your very embarrassing diary!"
Owen: "I do, I do!"

Owen: "Can you believe that guy tripped and fell over in front of Mayor Whiskers?"

Elle: "I got way too much second-hand embarrassment from hearing that."

Elle: "Now that that guy has stopped reading his embarrassing diary, I just want you to know that you're my best friend."

Owen: "I am? ...I mean, you're my best friend, too!"

Rachel: "I think you guys might like each other a little more than just 'best friends'."

Elle: "You're wrong, Rachel."

Elle: "We're just best friends, right, Owen?"

Owen: "Yep... we're just best friends..."

Hey! Where do you think you're going, party bot!

It's not that easy to escape from the Parsons. Just ask Servo.

Oh, you're just playing some music for a stray cat? Carry on.

Hooray! Servo has reached level 10 of the new romance skill!

Servo and Bonehilda had a daughter named Bonnie Bot! Now that she's an infant, she can come over to the house. She's so adorable!

Servo: "Look who's here to visit!"

Servo: "Perhaps we should go for a stroll around the neighborhood and get some fresh air."

Servo: "Let me just make sure the coast is clear for fans and paparazzi."

Bonnie looks very confused about Servo's head doing a 360 spin.

Servo: "Okay, no swarms of fans or paparazzi are around. Let's go!"

This is the cutest thing ever!

Servo: "This is Oasis Springs, Bonnie. It's a nice quiet neighborhood."

Servo: "Now that I've showed you the neighborhood, let's bring you inside."

Servo: "I got you this super cool toy. I'll be right back!"

She loves it!

Kirsten: "Where did Servo go? Did he just leave Bonnie with us?"
Scott: "Honey, do you mind? I'm on a very important business call about llamas."

Now that Servo has maxed out all of his skills again, he's eager to get back to crafting some cut gemstones.

Being Servo's daughter, I'm not surprised that Bonnie has already reached all of her milestones. Maybe she'll be a genius at everything just like him?

Bonehilda is here!

Bonehilda: "Look who just woke up from her nap."

And look who's very much still taking her nap.

The rays of sunshine are home from school!

Bianca: "Hi, Bonnie!"

Bianca: "Ready..."

Bianca: "Peek-a-boo!"

I don't think Bonnie likes peek-a-boo.

Bonehilda: "The party bot is playing some very loud lullabies. I guess it's trying. No robot will ever be as cool as my husband, though."

Servo: "True dat!"

Scott: "Would you like a massage, honey?"
Kirsten: "That sounds great!"

Elle: "You guys are so gross!"

Elle: "I'm gonna throw up!"

Rachel: "Me too!"

I guess the loud lullabies have an effect on the pets. They're sound asleep!"

Homework time!

At last! The crystal tree is now magnificent quality and Servo can move onto the next milestone of the 'Crystal Crafter' aspiration!

Servella came over to meet her new sister!

Servo: "Honey, I'd like you to meet your sister, Bonnie."

Servo: "Bonnie, this is your sister, Servella!"

Servella: "Oh my gosh, she's so cute!"
Servo: "Who's the most adorable girl ever?"

I can't handle how adorable this moment is! Servo is the best dad!

Happy birthday, Bianca!

Bianca aged up into a teen!

Servo: "The party bot just woke me up out of my recharging with some very loud winter holiday music."

Bonehilda: "Sometimes, I think the sims in his household put cups and plates in the most hard to find places solely just to spite me."

Bianca: "Why the heck is Bonehilda mad that I left a cup and a plate on top of the tree house years ago?"

Kirsten: "You left them where?!"

Scott: "Who wants to play fetch?"

According to the game, the huge backyard and front lawn are too small for fetch.

Kirsten: "Why is everyone avoiding me?"

Bianca: "It probably has something to do with the contagious rash covering your entire body."

Uh oh... looks like Kirsten's illness is spreading already!

Toffee and his obsession with the toilet will never not be funny.

The Parsons travelled down to San Myshuno to go to the spice festival!

They're also here for snow globes, of course.

Hooray! Kirsten purchased a snow globe that's only available at the spice festival! Doesn't she look so excited?

Which of the Parsons can handle spicy food? Let's find out.

Kirsten: "AHHHH!!!"

Clearly, Kirsten can't handle the heat.

Scott: "I'm fine... my eyes aren't watering, or anything."

Now this looks like one spicy table.

Elle: "They call this spicy?"

Bianca: "They say the spice in this meal doesn't kick in for a few seconds-"

Bianca: "Is my mouth meant to be burning at the heat of a thousand suns right now?"

Scott: "Ugh... I'm desperately gonna need to use the bathroom when we get home."

Kirsten: "AHHHHH!!!"

I think Kirsten has the lowest spice tolerance out of anyone here.

Bennett: "This meal is way too spicy!"
Hadley: "I need water!"

Apparently, there was a spice contest happening this entire time. Elle made it through the spiciest of spicy food and can now brag about being the Curry Champion! Way to go, Elle!

Back at home, Toffee is doing what he does best.

The next day, the Parsons decided to head down to the brand new world, Ciudad Enamorada!

This park has a path that lets a large group of sims go for a stroll together. I love this already!

There's also axolotls, a brand new collectable, waiting to be found in these logs!

Scott: "Isn't this park beautiful?"

Scott: "Look, kids! An ant!"

Scott: "Isn't it awesome?"
Rachel: "He's seriously obsessing over an ant?"

Scott: "Let's continue, shall we?"

Scott: "Wait, stop! I want you kids to admire this beautiful pond."

Kirsten: "We're never gonna finish this stroll, are we?"

Scott: "We might even see some axolotls around here!"

Everyone: "Yay for axolotls!"

Scott: "STOP! I need to take a selfie with this beautiful tree behind me."

Elle: "How many times are we gonna stop walking, dad?"

Scott: "Look above us... there's some wonderful clouds in the sky!"
Hadley: "Wow... fascinating."

Rachel: "What's so fascinating about clouds? We see those everyday!"

Is that a piranha?! Hey... wait a minute...

Who's this poor sad bear crying by the pond? I feel so bad for him!

Bianca: "Finally, that stroll is over. It only took forever!"

Hadley: "There might be some voidcritters in this trash can!"

The Parsons have officially begun their axolotl collection!

Scott: "Any rose gold here?"

The Parsons also decided to check out this ancient totem! Apparently, it's been in Ciudad Enamorada for the last 500 years and has been used as a tourist attraction for the last decade. Sims are also not allowed to dare touch it. Of course, I attempted to have one of the Parsons touch it, but the game wouldn't let me.

Scott: "We'd like a whole lot of food, please!"

Merchant: "So... many... sims..."

These chairs are so pretty!

(While the Parsons were here, Servo was at work and got promoted to the top of the athlete career in the bodybuilder branch! He'll select his next career once the Parsons arrive back home.)

Bennett: "I wonder if I'll find any voidcritters in here?"

Ooh, this wall is gorgeous!

Kirsten: "It's so romantic. It reminds me of when I first met Scott."

Scott: "Hey, Ring Bear. I saw you looking a little down over by the pond. You look like you need a hug."

Ring Bear: "You're absolutely right. I do need a hug!"

Are you sure you're allowed to draw on that wall, Kirsten?

Kirsten: "Who knows? But, now... the whole world knows that Scott Parsons + Kirsten Parsons = LOVE!"

Scott: "Just out of curiosity... why are you so sad?"

Ring Bear: "Lots of reasons, friend. The main reason is I've lost my ring. Well, I sort of threw it in the nearby pond. I've tried fishing it out but I'm terrible at fishing (that was always her thing). If you are able to fish it out, let me know. That ring has some kind of special romantic magic about it. I can tell you more later."

Of course, Servo and Scott went fishing for the ring immediately!

If anyone can find this ring, it's Servo.

I'd say Scott has about a 30% chance.

Servo: "Here it isn't!"

Very funny, Servo.

It's getting late and it's starting to rain. Servo and Scott are still yet to find the ring. They're gonna have to come back later and try again.

They travelled down to another area of Ciudad Enamorada to find axolotls, but didn't find anything.

Poor Ring Bear. We'll find your ring ASAP!

Here's the axolotl Scott managed to find in the park!


Toffee aged up into an elder!

Looks like Bubblegum had a kitten with another cat in the neighborhood! Introducing Nimbus Parsons!

Toffe also had a puppy with another dog in the neighborhood! Introducing Shortcake Parsons!

Oh my goodness!

They're so cute!

Shortcake: *Grrr...* "I'm not cute! I'm mean! FEAR ME!"

Toffee: "Looks like I can't step foot near the food bowl, right now."

Little Shortcake is very territorial over her food.

Servo is now joining the criminal career in the boss branch!

His first work task is to upgrade objects, for some reason.

Bubblegum: "Stop doing your homework and feed me!"

You have an automatic food bowl!

These two are very intrigued by the fridge.

There may be a terrifying thunderstorm in Ciudad Enamorada, but that won't stop Scott from looking for axolotls. Unfortunately, they don't spawn very often.

Hooray! He managed to find one!

Just like frogs, axolotls can be bred to create another type of axolotl! Let's see what a pink and green axolotl create.

...Another green axolotl. Aww, man.

Nimbus is a very lazy kitty. He absolutely loves taking naps anywhere and everywhere he can.

Meanwhile, Shortcake may be small, but she's quite aggressive. She guards the door regularly.

I think it's getting dusty down here in the crafted items room. Dust bunnies are appearing everywhere!

Hooray! A copper axolotl has been bred!

After lots of breeding, the Parsons now have all of the common axolotls! I think they'll need one or two uncommon axolotls to be able to successfully breed uncommons. I'm not sure how easy this will be since they barely spawn over in Ciudad Enamorada, and when they do, it takes hours!

The weather in Oasis Springs is very strange today. It began snowing out of nowhere!

Everyone: "Brrr...!"

Scott: "I guess we'd better turn the thermostat off."

Christopher: "Could you guys let me in? It's freezing out here!"

Hadley has taken over making drawing for the crafted items room!

This is adorable!

Shortcake hasn't learned not to play in puddles yet, so she's been needing lots of baths lately.

Bonnie and Bonehilda are here!

Servo: "Who's ready to try some ice cream?"

To no surprise, Bonnie absolutely loves ice cream!

Somehow, she didn't get a sugar rush and went straight to sleep after eating.

Maybe it's because the party bot is playing extremely loud lullaby music.

Owen came over after school! He ran straight to the computer like a true townie.

Bonehilda: "We'll see you guys tomorrow!"

Elle: "I did so well on my final exams!"

Owen: "I wish I could say the same."

Owen: "You're way smarter than I'll ever be."

Elle: "You're so sweet."

Rachel: ♫ "Elle and Owen sittin' in a tree..." ♫
Hadley: ♫ "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" ♫

Scott went down to another San Myshuno festival solely to find some snow globes.

He also travelled down to Ciudad Enamorada and waited for some more axolotls to spawn. In the meantime, he went over to the local bar.

Scott: "These fish and chips are good!"

Servo has already reached level 10 of the criminal career in the boss branch! I was curious as to why he's been reaching the top of every career so fast lately, and apparently, Servo has a fame perk where he has easier career advancement and larger paychecks. He also has another fame perk that allows him to jump-start careers and has easier advancement. All of this on top of the fact that he has every degree under the sun means he has absolutely no trouble reaching the top of any career in no time!

Servo has now entered the gardener career in the botanist branch!

This is one of my favorite screenshots I've ever taken and I have no idea why.

I've never seen a stan playing the violin at the crack of dawn outside of the Parsons' house in order to get Servo's attention. A+ for creativity.

I'm glad Shortcake is targeting her aggression towards the squeaky toy instead of random sims at the front door.

Bubblegum has a favorite sleeping spot and it's right by Servo's feet.

Servo, Bonnie and Kirsten decided to head back to Ciudad Enamorada to get some fresh air and find some more axolotls!

Don't think we forgot about you, Ring Bear. Servo will continue fishing for that ring later on!

Servo: "Who's ready to rock and stroll?"

Servo: "You get it...? Rock and stroll? ...Because, stroll rhymes with roll-"

Kirsten: "I get it, Servo."

Don't make random stops as many times as Scott!

(Hey, that rhymed!)

Servo: "Wait! I need to take a selfie!"

What did I just say, Servo?

This park is so pretty!

Servo: "Apple break!"

I thought you couldn't eat.

Servo: "You're right, but I tried, anyway."

Oop- another scary thunderstorm is approaching. It's time to head home.

Servella is here to visit!

Nimbus: "What the heck is that?"

It's just a TV, Nimbus.

Kirsten is training Avesu!

Homework time!

Bennett: "The more homework I do, the better chance I have of becoming the next heir!"

Nothing to see here, just Nimbus taking his 5th nap of the day.

The utiliti bots haven't had any upkeep done in a long time. Servo is here to fix that!

Happy birthday, Elle!

Elle aged up into a young adult!

Aaand, here we have our generation 27 heiress!

Elle: "I was really picked as heiress? Awesome!"

Happy birthday, Bennett!

Happy birthday, Hadley!

Bennett aged up into a teen! (He's still Scott's clone.)

So did Hadley!

Elle will be joining the interior decorator career!

Nimbus is celebrating Elle being the next heiress by napping right next to her foot.

Shortcake: "We need some more birthdays around here."



Shortcake aged up into an adult!

She's still adorable.

So did Nimbus!

Hey! Stop scratching the chair!

Shortcake: "It's hard work being a guard dog, but someone has to do it."

Nimbus: "If a guard cat is needed around here, I'm not applying."

Kirsten: "I don't blame you. Shortcake is brave. There's lots of crazy Servo stans outside at all times."

Shortcake: "I'm brave?"

Yes, you are!

Nimbus: "I'll guard in the garage... if you consider taking a nap as guarding."