Sunday, August 11, 2024

Chapter 332

Happy birthday, Elle!

Elle aged up into a toddler!

Rachel aged up into an infant!

She's Scott's clone.

Scott: "I know, right?"

Nap time for Rachel!

Kirsten is pregnant again!

It's Spooky Day time! 🎃👻🍬

Now that Rachel is awake, she can do some tummy time.

Servo: "My love, I've spent all day and night crafting the perfect wedding ring for you."

Bonehilda: "Aww, Servo! You shouldn't have!"

This ring is gorgeous!

Servo: "It's what my lovely wife deserves."


Elle is working on her communication skill.

After babbling to this giant dog toy 1,385 times, she should be level 5.

Roxxi: "The party bot is playing some great tunes today!"

Rachel: "Waaa!"

I don't think Rachel likes the party bot.

Roxxi read her to sleep to calm her down.

As soon as Roxxi got up from the rocking chair, Griffin sat down here straight away.

Bubblegum, don't put your paw in the leftover Harvestfest turkey!

Toffee: "I'm a good boy, unlike Bubblegum."

Bubblegum: "At least I'm not a kiss-up."

Roxxi: "Eating leftover turkey outside during a thunderstorm really isn't as bad as it sounds."

I thought Kingston being obsessed with the dishwasher was weird, but Toffee is obsessed with the toilet of all things.

It's Spooky Day!

Kirsten: "I'm princess Leia!"

Griffin: "I'm a pirate!"

Roxxi: "I'm a hospital patient... because I'm old, huh? Very funny."

Scott: "For old time's sake, I'm a superhero chicken!"

Servo needs some rare crystals to craft some cut gemstones.

Thank gosh for the cloning machine, am I right?

Roxxi: "Who's gonna volunteer to take care of this diaper blowout... anybody? Please, don't let it be me."

Elle: "I'm a Winterfest tree? But, it's Spooky Day!"

The balance of cats never ceases to amaze me... even in a videogame.

Griffin: "Can you make the chicken sound?"

Scott: "My pleasure... cOcK-a-DoOdLe-DoO!"

Griffin: "That was horrible!"

Servo: "What do you think of my latest cut gemstone, party bot?"

I may have just purchased 199,980 simoleons worth of crystals for Servo's crafts... and no, I'm not exaggerating.

Kirsten: "That's a heck of a lot of simoleons."

Don't judge me when you're princess Leia with aqua eyebrows.

Elle: "Quack, quack!"

Hey, Scott's friend from university is here! You know, the one that always stunk randomly for no reason...

Truffles found another Omiscan treasure! Where the heck does she find these things? Not that I'm complaining.

Townie: "That's a great costume!"

Griffin: "Wow, I wasn't even trick-or-treating, but thanks!"

Griffin: "...This tastes horrible."

The party bot is very excited about Spooky Day. It's even doing front flips!

Scott: "It's because it saw my awesome costume."

Kirsten: "Wow... the weather outside makes no sense whatsoever."

It's snowing in Oasis Springs? What the heck is going on?!

Kirsten: "Sorry, I didn't see you there. I was so weirded out by the snow. Here's a treat."

Townie Teen: "Thanks!"

Hooray! Rachel sat up for the first time all on her own!

Now, she can try her first baby food.

She seems pretty undecided about mashed mangoes.

(Why the heck are the utiliti bots literally everywhere today?)

I decided instead of lining the cut gemstones up, I can just place them on these crystal grids instead. They won't charge while indoors, but it'll save a lot of space.

For some reason, this crystal grid outside isn't charging.

The Parsons need to make back the simoleons I spent on those crystals, so Scott is down in the gardening room selling as many harvestables as he can. It's the quickest way to make simoleons!

Kirsten: "I think it's go time."

You've got this, Kirsten!


It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Bianca Parsons!

There's so many girls this generation. I guess it's to make up for so many boys being born last generation.

Roxxi is down in the gardening room helping out since this is a tough job.

Elle and the party bot are BFF's!

Roxxi: "First I had to sell all those crops, now I have to go outside digging for metal and crystals?! Why can't I just sit down and watch TV?"

Hooray! Rachel is now crawling!

And Elle is using a spoon!

Roxxi: "My grandbabies are growing up so fast!"

Roxxi: "Don't tell mom and dad I gave you a ham and cheese sandwich because you threw the peas on the floor."

Elle: "Okay, grandma!"

Rachel looks super confused by this toy.

Kirsten: "It's a koala! Koalas live in the water, right?"

Bubblegum: "...Is this sim stupid?"

Griffin: "I think so."

Bianca aged up into an infant!

Kirsten: "Off we go to do some tummy time."

Surprisingly, she doesn't hate it.


Scott is teaching Rachel to stand.

Hooray! Rachel stood up all on her own!

This is diabolical. Who the heck left a plate in the desk drawer?!

Bonehilda: "Do these sims hate me?"

The utiliti bots are excited for all the milestones!

Scott: "Why do I have to be the one searching for collectables today?"

What if I told you that means you get to ride your bike around today?

Scott: "I'm not complaining anymore."

Griffin: "School was awful... it always is."

The crystal tree has fully grown! Now, all it needs to do is grow some harvest.

Hey, you two, stop that!


Happy birthday, Elle!

Elle aged up into a child!

Rachel aged up into a toddler! (For some reason, I forgot to get a picture of her with the birthday candles.)

Servo travelled down to Tartosa in the middle of the night to search for some messages in a bottle, and somehow, he was still spotted by some fans.

Get to digging, Servo!

This is a rock... I thought it was a digging pile while searching so many times.

Hooray! Bianca can now sit up on her own!

Kirsten: "I bet you're hungry after reaching your milestones today, huh?"

After working from home and completing his tasks, Servo has reached the top of the education career in the administration branch! Next, he will be joining the critic career in the arts critic branch.

Bubblegum vs. laser pointer!

It's Winterfest time! 🎄🎅🎁

Kirsten is pregnant again!

The Parsons are down at the Chez Llama restaurant in San Myshuno to attempt to complete their experimental food prints collection.

Scott: "Table for four, please."

Servo is here for moral support... and to collect posters and snow globes outside once they spawn.

Waiter: "Welcome to Chez Llama restaurant! Are you guys ready to order yet?"

Roxxi: "I don't know... are we?"

Elle: "I'll order for us. Can we please get the Spherized Fruit Gel in Foam Nest, the Crystalized Coco Blocks, the Honeyed World Fruit Charcuterie and the Cured Meat Crisps on Reclaimed Forest Wood?"

How the heck did you remember all those names?

Waiter: "Certainly. Your food will be ready as soon as possible."

Servo: "Do you think anyone will notice that I stole this chair from a random table?"

The Parsons have one of the nicest tables in the restaurant!

Scott: "I'm scared, what if these experimental foods taste like-"

Waiter: "Here are your meals. Enjoy!"

They look very... interesting.

Kirsten: "I'm hopeful that they'll taste great!"

I'm a dingus. I tried to have my sims manually take pictures of these dishes so many times until I finally realized that they can take a picture of them by clicking on the dish.

Roxxi: "Here's the first photo of our collection."

I wonder how they taste?

Scott: "Eugh! The Cured Meat Crisps on Reclaimed Forest Wood tastes as horrible as it sounds!"

Elle: "This tastes like chocolate!"

Roxxi: "Hmm... my meal tastes like water."

Kirsten: "I can't decide whether I like mine or not. At least it's not as horrible looking as Scott's plate."

Servo: "For once, I'm glad I can't eat."

Scott: "What if our next meals are even weirder than the first batch?!"

Kirsten: "Now, I'm scared!"

Roxxi: "You mean we have to eat even more experimental foods?"

Servo: "Not me. For once, I don't have to be involved!"

Wait a minute... this upstairs area looks nicer than the table the Parsons are eating at!

Waiter: "Your second set of meals is here. Enjoy!"

Servo: "Hehehe... I can't wait for this!"

Roxxi: "What the heck am I looking at?"

Scott: "...They seriously gave me the Free Range Sixam Pit Beast?"

That sounds horrifying.

Kirsten: "This looks so cool. It's like a Winterfest gift!"

Elle: "I got the Artisan Fish Trio? Awesome!"

Poor Scott got all of the worst dishes. At least the Parsons were able to collect 8 experimental food prints! They shall return later.

Hooray! Servo found the final poster the Parsons needed to complete their posters collection!

*Sigh* Still no new tassles are being sold at the night market, though.

I sent Servo down to Granite Falls alone so he can hopefully find these dust spirits!

Servo: "There's a blizzard down here, but it's no match for my weather machine."

Hopefully this works.

Servo: "It always works when I take the reins."

Servo: "What's that I see? Is it the blizzard suddenly dissipating?"

Hooray! No more blizzard!

On another positive note, Servo found an amber while looking for crystals! The Parsons now have all the collectable crystals, yet again. All they need to do now is find the final few metals.

Servo is in the deep forest yet again.

Servo: "Now... we wait."

Every time he sees bugs spawn, he has to catch them so that the dust spirits have a better chance of spawning.

I thought these were it for a moment.

*Sigh* It's been hours, and still no dust spirits. Heck... it's been 5 years and many trips to Granite Falls and I've still never been able to find these dust spirits!

To make matters worse, the snow is reappearing!

Servo: "I guess I'd better get back to the weather machine."

Hurry up!

Ugh, only common bugs are spawning, and it's almost sunrise.


Servo, get over here and catch these right now! (I kid you not, I found these at exactly 4:59AM in-game time, right before sunrise!)

Please don't let them slip away... I will literally cry.

Servo: "Got them!"

Hooray! I knew I could count on you, Servo! I'm so happy! Time to head home.

Oop- the experimental food print photos glitched once I put the frame on them. I removed the frames in the hopes they would go back to normal, but nope.

The Parsons have finally completed their insects collection! These dust spirits are the cutest!

Here's the amber Servo found, too. What a successful trip to Granite Falls!

By night, Servo is a bug catcher. By day, he's a Winterfest grand meal maker.

Servo: "Yep, that's me."

Poor Scott got food poisoning from all those experimental foods... and only Scott. They really gave him the worsts foods they could.

The Winterfest tree must be decorated at the last minute since the Parsons were so busy trying to complete their collections.

Bianca, consider yourself lucky you don't have to participate in the Winterfest tree decorating.

Everyone is here to contribute!

Roxxi: "These decorations suck. Let's start over!"

Scott: "Ugh, I can't stop running to the bathroom."

Scott: "Hello? Is this Chez Llama restaurant?"

Scott: "You gave me food poisoning, and I want a refund ... What do you mean you can't give me a refund?! ... I didn't know the waiver we signed before trying experimental foods included possible food poisoning!"

Come on, Scott. You're a lawyer, you should know better than that!

The Winterfest tree is fully decorated!

Roxxi: "Now, all we need to do is fill it up with gifts!"

Scott: "Breakfast time!"

Scott: "Finally, some good food!"

Kirsten: "Servo really outdid himself this year!"

Gather around for the gifts!

Scott: "A gaming mat I'll never use? Awesome!"

Elle: "A new toy? Awesome!"

Servo: "I woke up from my nap for this. I'd better get something good this year."

Scott: "Hello? Is this Chez Llama? I want to speak to someone that wasn't the guy I was speaking to before."

You're not getting the refund, Scott.

Griffin: "Could it be an arcade machine?"

Roxxi: "This sounds expensive!"

Servo: "I think this might be something good..."

Servo: "A penguin shaped TV? I think I might cry of joy."

Roxxi: "Servo likes my gift. I need to get a picture of this."

Rachel: "New colorful blocks!"

Servo has to write a column for his work task.

Scott is also working from home today.

Kirsten: "Let's try some rice porridge!"

Of course, she hates it.

Kirsten: "I don't blame her. Rice porridge sounds awful."

Now that Servo has found an amber, he needs to clone it for some more cut gemstones.

Rachel: "This ducky matches my pyjamas!"

Servo has cut every single variation of this cut gemstone and he's already onto the next!

Bubblegum vs. laser pointer part 2!

Griffin... you're seriously watching the fireplace channel on a TV that's on top of a fireplace?

I forgot to mention, Servo found a few messages in a bottle on his last Tartosa outing.

Oh no, Kingston is passing away?!

Rest In Peace, Kingston Parsons. You were a wonderful, curious cat. You will be dearly missed.

Bubblegum: "Get this guy outta here right now!"

Will Bianca learn to crawl today?

Scott: "Milestone alert!"

Kirsten: "Oof, my back."

Kirsten: "Anyways, hooray! Another milestone!

Yay! Bianca is crawling!

Elle: "I think I have a loose tooth!"

Elle: "Now, I'll get 5 whole simoleons from the tooth fairy."

The crystal tree finally has some crystals to harvest. Now, it just needs plenty of TLC to become perfect quality like all the other plants in the gardening room.

Hooray! Bianca can now stand all on her own!

Rachel: "Yay, Bianca!"

Scott: "I'm so proud!"

Scott: "You're all growing up way too fast."

Kirsten: "I know this feeling... I think I'm in labor."

You've got this, Kirsten!


Scott: "Is that what I think it is?!"

Twins! Somehow, the Parsons have happened to have twins so many times, but have never had triplets.

It's a boy! 💙 Introducing Bennett Parsons!

It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Hadley Parsons!

(Please ignore the ugly bassinet, the game wouldn't let me change it.)

Kirsten: "A child, a toddler, an infant... and now, twins."

Scott: "I'm scared."

Don't worry, you guys can do it!


  1. Congrats on getting all the posters and the insects collected!

    Goodbye Kingston, you were a great cat!

    Oh no, twins! Time for some more crazy Parsons shenanigans!

    1. Thank you! It's definitely one of the more difficult collections to complete! :)

      There seems to have been twins almost every generation for the past few gens!
