Monday, August 5, 2024

Chapter 331

Scott: "Guess who got promoted? That's right, this guy!"

Hooray, Scott!

Ooh, here comes Kirsten, right on time!

Scott: "So, what was this issue that you desperately need a lawyer for?"

Kirsten: "Okay, so I was kicked out of my apartment for not following the rules. I always had my TV up at the max volume, my trash was overloaded, I always invited ghosts over-"

Roxxi: "Oh my gosh!"
Scott: "Where are you going with this, exactly?"

Kirsten: "I wanna sue the landlord for having way too many rules!"

Kirsten: "Is that possible? He kicked me out and now I have nowhere to stay."

Scott: "You can't exactly sue him because you feel like his apartment building had too many rules, especially since you agreed to those rules when you signed the lease."

Kirsten: "What about if I sue him for making me homeless?"

Scott: "You can't really do that either, since... you didn't follow the apartment rules. You can stay here, if you'd like."

Kirsten: "You'd really let me stay here?"

Roxxi: "She may be an annoying tenant, but at least she's pretty! Let her stay!"

Scott: "Of course, stay as long as you'd like."

Scott: "Where have you been living for the time being?"

Kirsten: "I just got officially kicked out today."

Kirsten: "I can't believe you're letting me stay here after hearing my story."

Scott: "What can I say? I'm a nice sim."

Kirsten: "You're also a super cute sim."

Scott: "Oh, is that so?"

Could there be a romance blooming?

Kirsten: "You're also super generous and clearly smart."

Scott: "I'm flattered."

Scott: "You're extremely beautiful."

Welp, that was fast!

Scott: "Since you're already living here, shall we make things official between us?"

Kirsten: "Oh my gosh, yes!"

Welcome to the fam, Kirsten!

Of course, they're already off to woohoo.

Ooh, it's 6PM. The crystal grid is ready. Servo needs to charge some jewelry for Roxxi to wear on his behalf for his aspiration.

What were you two doing?

Kirsten: "Nothing..."

Scott: "I need to tinkle."
Kirsten: "Not if I get to the bathroom first."

The earrings are on the crystal grid. Now, we wait for them to be fully charged.

Servo: "Who's my dustiest little friend? You are!"

Kirsten is surprisingly cleaning up a lot. Probably because Servo asked her to clean for his 'Perfectly Pristine' aspiration.

Roxxi: "He also asked me to help, but I'm eating breakfast instead. Don't let him find out."

Poor Storm is sick. Servo will need to craft him a wellness treat immediately.

Roxxi: "Summer time only means one thing."

Kirsten: "Water balloon fight!"

Roxxi: "Miss!"

Kirsten: "That was embarrassing."

Christopher: "Look out, mom!"

Right in the face!

Roxxi: "That hurt!"

Christopher: "I'm the water balloon fight king."

Kirsten: "Let's aim at the same sim."

Scott: "Good idea!"

Aaand you threw the water balloons in completely different directions.

And still missed.

Roxxi: "Ha-ha! You missed! LOSERS!"

Scott: "Okay, I must admit, I suck at water balloon fights."

Roxxi's earrings look beautiful!

Roxxi: "They're my favorite color, too. Servo is so thoughtful."

Servella: "Ah, it's nice and airconditioned in here."

It's hot outside, so the Parsons decided to buy a cold beverage.

I see a whole lot of sugary drinks. You guys had better not get a sugar rush!

Kirsten: "There's nothing better than an ice cream float after losing miserably at a water balloon fight."

Roxxi: "There actually is; an ice cream float after winning a water balloon fight."

Of course, everyone is jogging home while Scott shows off the fact that he has a bike.

Servo has been hard at work and has almost crafted all variations of this bracelet! He has also reached level 10 of the gemology skill!

The boys may not have the arcade machine they want, but at least they have building blocks.

Kirsten is pregnant!

Kirsten: "Babe, I'm pregnant!"

Scott: "How did that happen?"

Kirsten: "I think you're smart enough to know the answer to that."

Scott: "Let's hope our baby isn't as crazy as the rest of my lineage."


Servo is down at the festival of snow again to hopefully find the last two simmies the Parsons need.

Yamachan: "Is that my bestie approaching?"

Once again, Servo found absolutely nothing except simmies the Parsons already have.

Maybe Servo can find some of the colored tassles for the collection?

Servo didn't find any new tassles at the night market or inside the temple.

He did, however, find a new message in a bottle in Tartosa.

Griffin: "I have a loose tooth!"

What an adorable toothless smile!

Toffee: *Bark, bark!*
Storm: *BORK, BORK!*

Kirsten: "There's so many pets around here."

Bubblegum: "Get used to it, lady."

After asking Scott to clean up and holding a social event in a clean house with Bonehilda as the only guest, Servo has completed the 'Perfectly Pristine' aspiration!

Scott: "Servo asked me to clean this perfectly clean desk with a handheld vacuum, so I guess I have to listen to him."

Roxxi: "I got out of Servo asking me to clean yet again."

Kirsten: "That's your niece or nephew!"

Griffin: "Woah! That's so cool!"

Griffin decided to make some fall crafts!

It's time for the Starlight Accolade awards yet again. Servo has done everything you can think of for this award. Sold masterpieces, published songs, written entire books, acted in gold movies... you name it.

Host: "Welcome to the Starlight Accolades. Who's ready to get started?"

Servo: "Me!"

Host: "Great to hear! For such riveting writing and storytelling, Servo Bot wins a Starlight Accolade for best book!"

Servo: "Snubbed again- wait... WHAT?!"

Servo: "This is such an honor, I never thought this day would come. I've been snubbed of too many of these awards to count."

Servo: "I'd like to thank my wife, my daughter, my crazy family, and most importantly, my fans."

Servo: "Muah, muah!"

Servo: "I love you all!"

Servo: "Finally, I'd like to thank... myself!"

Servo: "Without being such a skilled robot, this never would have been possible. Thank you all again!"

Host: "That was a wonderful speech. Very well deserved, Servo Bot. Thanks for coming to the annual Starlight Accolades. Goodnight!"

I can't believe Servo finally won a Starlight Accolade! AHHHHH!!!

Servo: "Now that I'm a winner, you can all have the privilege of taking pictures of me."

Now they don't have their cameras out?!

For some reason, the Starlight Accolade is silver instead of gold once placed in the world.

After winning the Starlight Accolade, all Servo has to do is earn gold in a movie acting gig again to earn the 'Master Actor' aspiration!

He needs to research the anger emotion for his role. Since he can't drink any potions, looking at an angry painting should do the trick.

Servo: "This doesn't happen often, but I'm officially angry."

To continue his research, he needs to argue with a sim.

Christopher: "Don't mess with me, Servo!"

Servo: "Excuse you?!"

Servo: "I give you a thumbs down, young man."

Christopher: "Don't you think that's a little mean? Take that back!"

Servo: "Now, you get another thumbs down!"

Is it go time?

Kirsten: "No, I just need to tinkle."

Kirsten: "Any day now, our little one will arrive!"

Scott: "Hopefully, they're as awesome as me."

Get a room!

Kingston is very much unbothered.

Servo has now finished crafting all variations of this bracelet!

For now, he'll move onto cutting gemstones before crafting anymore jewelry for the crafted items room.

Toffee: "Can he craft me some treats?"

Roxxi: "Servo is fabulous at crafting. I still have my beautiful starry sailor earrings on."

Get out there and find the metals and crystals the Parsons don't have yet, Scott!

So far, this is what Servo has crafted. He has a long way to go to craft every single variation and shape of cut gemstones.

Roxxi is down in the Magic Realm to purchase some more collectables from Caster's Alley.

She might as well search for some metals while she's at it.

This section of the collectables room is filling up fast!

Rare crystals and metals can't be purchased, but they can be cloned.

Servo needs as many of these as he can get to craft all the cut gemstones and jewelry.

Roxxi: "This device is amazing!"

Let's try and clone another metal.

Oop- that didn't work.

Luckily, it worked the next time.

Roxxi: "Can I clone myself?"

You can, but... no.

Kirsten: "I think it's go time, now."

Scott: "Quick, to the bassinet!"

You've got this, Kirsten!


Scott: "Ah, the miracle of life."

It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Elle Parsons!

Kirsten: "She's absolutely perfect."

Scott: "How soon is too soon to announce on social bunny that I just had a baby?"

Roxxi: "It's never too soon when you only have 20 followers."

Christopher: "BURN!"
Griffin: "Good one, mom!"

Everyone decided to eat dinner outside since it's nice and warm outside.

Ooh, I think I know what's happening here!

Scott: "I have a question for you, m'lady."
Kirsten: "What is it?"

Scott: "Kirsten, I love you with all my heart..."

Kirsten: *Gasp!*

Scott: "Will you marry me?"

Kirsten: "Yes, yes, yes!"


Scott and Kirsten are now engaged!

Scott: "Shall we get married right here?"
Kirsten: "Yes, I can't wait even one more second to marry you."

I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may kiss your bride.

May you live happily ever Parsons!

Scott made sure Servo crafted a custom ring for Kirsten.

Kirsten: "I'm the luckiest sim ever!"

Two birthdays are happening at once!

Bubblegum aged up into an adult!

So did Toffee!

Make that three birthdays! Elle aged up into an infant!

Elle: "Waaa!"
Kirsten: "Looks like someone's a fussy eater."

Kirsten: "Maybe tummy time will work out better."

Nap time for Elle!

Kirsten: "I'm getting too much sleep, I think I need to have another baby."

Kirsten is pregnant again!

Roxxi: "Could you tell her to get out of the bathroom, already? I need to tinkle!"

Toffee: "Food! Get out of the way, robot!"

Servo: "Now, even the pets only see me as a food servant?"

Look who's awake bright and early!

More tummy time for Elle, even though she hates it right now.

What in tarnation is going on in here?!

Stop that, you two!

Kirsten: "Truffles is the cutest dust bunny to ever exist!"


Storm: "I had nothing to do with it this time! I'm outta here!"

Kirsten: "Were you guys just fighting?"

Kirsten: "Bubblegum, stop attacking the dogs."

Bubblegum: "Tell them to stop eating my food, first."

Uh oh, poor Elle had a diaper blowout!

Kirsten: "Do I really have to deal with this?"

Griffin: "There's a helicopter flying over town looking for crazy sims!"

It's in the Parsons house, so it's in the right place.

Kirsten: "Milestone dance, milestone dance! Elle just rolled over!"

Kirsten: "Oof, milestone dances and morning sickness don't mix."

Kingston: "She can't dance. Are you sure she belongs here?"

Scott: "Why are Griffin and the party bot staring at me?"

Griffin: "Be afraid. Be very afraid."

Kirsten: "The weather outside is so odd, today."

Kirsten is right. One minute it's sunny, then raining, then windy. Has the Newcrest weather made its way over here?

Servo is on set to shoot his (hopefully) final movie!

All he needs to do is earn gold.

Hooray! Servo earned gold acting in a movie gig and completed the 'Master Actor' aspiration! This aspiration is not for the weak, that's for sure. He also reached level 10 of the actor career!

Now, Servo can move onto his next career: the teacher career in the administrator branch.

He, of course, began the career at level 8 thanks to one of his many university degrees. His first work task is to review budget proposals on the computer.

Griffin: "That sounds boring."

Scott: "Every job is boring. That's life."

Happy birthday, Christopher!

Christopher aged up into a young adult!

Now, get out.

Hooray! Elle sat up for the first time all on her own!

Happy birthday, Griffin!

Griffin aged up into a teen!

Roxxi: "I can't believe my last baby is a teen. I'm getting empty nest syndrome. Is it too late to have another?"

Yes, yes it is!

Aging up means homework.

It's Harvestfest time! 🦃🍁🍂

Which, of course, means Servo will be spending the next few hours making the Harvestfest turkey.

Kirsten: "Help! I need to tinkle!"

Well, go to the bathroom. No one's stopping you, lady!

Storm: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Noooooooooo! Storm!

Rest In Peace, Storm Parsons. You were a wonderful, playful dog. You will be dearly missed.

I don't think the cats like Grim very much. I don't blame them!

Now that Elle can sit up, she can try her very first baby food.

Kirsten: "Let's see if you like applesauce."


She hates it.

Kirsten: "Oh, come on!"

Elle: "Waaaaa!"
Kirsten: "That went horribly."

The Harvestfest gnomes have arrived! What happened to your creepy glowing eyes, Grim Reaper gnome?

Kirsten: "I think I'm in labor."

Scott: "I'm cool, calm and ready."

While Kirsten went into labor, Elle learned to grab!

Scott: "Never mind, I'm not cool, calm, or ready!"

Scott: "AHHHH!!!"


It's a girl! 💖 Introducing Rachel Parsons!

Roxxi: "Come on, Elle, crawl to grandma!"

Hooray! Elle is now crawling!

Servo is working from home today. He has to plan the agenda faculty meeting. This career definitely isn't as exciting as the acting career.

Roxxi: "Do these gnomes love coffee as much as Scott?"

Uh, I don't think so...

Roxxi: "Oh my gosh!"

Roxxi: "Please forgive me! I was trying to help put the light back in your eyes!"

Roxxi: "AHHHHH!!!"


Roxxi: "Please forgive me, I beg of you!"

Roxxi: "Did that work?"

Luckily for Roxxi, the gnomes have forgiven her.

Kirsten: "Let's hope all these thank you cards make it to everyone."

I never knew thank you cards were apart of the Harvestfest traditions until now. The more you know!

Roxxi: "Who wants to volunteer to appease the next gnome?"

A toy car? Really?

Kirsten: "Maybe he'll like it."

He hates it. I would be insulted, too if I were him.

Uh oh, the gnomes are already breaking stuff. Fix this, Kirsten!

Kirsten: "Please stop breaking our stuff!"

Kirsten: "AHHHHH!!!"

Kirsten: "I asked nicely!"

Kirsten: "AHHHHH!!!"

Kirsten was struck over and over and over again.

Kirsten: "Do you think they've forgiven me, now?"

I think so. This is a lesson to never ever give one of these gnomes a toy car ever again.

Roxxi: "It's nice living in Oasis Springs, but sometimes I miss living in San Sequoia where it rained more often."

The inflatable pool is the closest thing you'll get to rain until there's another crazy weather day.

Kirsten: "Hehehe! I just sent a spam email!"

Hooray! Scott has reached the top of the law career in the lawyer branch!

Scott: "Ugh, that was exhausting!"

Scott: "Since these gnomes hate coffee, maybe they'll like garden salad, instead?"

Scott: "What does that mean?"

It means they like it!

Scott: "Hooray!"

Thank gosh! This is the first successful gnome encounter today.

Scott: "Turkey time!"

The moment the Parsons have waited all day for. What a chaotic Harvestfest!


  1. Yay! A Starlight Accolade for Servo! Finally!

    Elle is super cute!

    Another great chapter!

    1. I couldn't believe my eyes when the pop-up actually said Servo won, hahaha! Thanks for reading! :)
