Saturday, August 17, 2024

Chapter 333

The Parsons are back down at the Chez Llama restaurant to complete their experimental food prints collection.

Scott: "Table for three, please."

Elle and Griffin are at school, so these three will have to step up to the plate... *badum tss*

Kirsten: "We'll take your finest experimental foods, please. Surprise us!"

Scott: "I'm starting to regret this."

Waiter: "Enjoy!"

That was fast!

Kirsten: "Ooh, these meals look delicious!"

Roxxi: "Your meal doesn't look so bad this time, Scott."
Scott: "A Jungle Moss Egg with Lavender Wisps doesn't look bad to you?"

Before you guys eat your food, make sure to take a picture first! That's why we're here.

Scott: "I'd better not get food poisoning again."

Roxxi: "Eugh!"

Roxxi: "These Honeycomb Garden Vegetable Cups taste too much like 'garden' and not enough like 'honey'!"

Roxxi: "My food was awful. Can we please have more?"

Roxxi! Take a picture of the food, first!

Griffin is here!

So is Elle!

Host: "Table for one? Where are your parents?"

Elle: "They're here. I just don't want to sit near them because they're cray cray sometimes."

Griffin: "I'll have your most normal experimental food, please."

Why the heck is everyone sitting at different tables?

Scott: "One more round of experimental food, please."

Chef: "How many more experimental meals do I need to make?!"

Waiter: "Enjoy."

Griffin: "Hmm... this looks normal enough."

These last few meals don't look as crazy as the first few.

Elle: "Thank gosh."

Kirsten: "I don't know... I wouldn't exactly say this meal looks 'normal'."

Oop- I think the Parsons have been here a little too long.

After taking a photo of the final experimental meal, a Space Taco with a Pearled Egg Core, the Parsons have completed their experimental food prints collection!

You guys are seriously in the mood for more food after eating all day long?!

Oh, look, it's Scott's favorite thing in the world... coffee!

Roxxi: "I've lived a long life, but it's time for me to go."

Noooooooooo Roxxi!

Kirsten isn't going with Roxxi... she's just exhausted.

Roxxi: "Take care of all of my children and NPC boyfriends for me."

Rest In Peace, Roxxi Parsons. You were a wonderful, romantic sim. You will be dearly missed.

Scott: "AHHHH!!!"

Scott: *Sobs*

Grim Reaper: "Wait a minute... do I know this sim?"

She's only the mother of your child.

Grim Reaper: "Hmm... I don't recognize her."

Scott: *Crying* "I can't believe mom is gone!"

At least Roxxi got a cool spellcaster tombstone.

I know this is a tragic day, but these snow globe boxes have finally spawned after hours and hours, so you need to search through them!

Kirsten, will you stay awake for just a few more minutes?!

It's time to head home.

Back at home, poor Servo is mourning Roxxi's death.

Happy birthday, Griffin!

Griffin aged up into a young adult!

Now, get out.

Happy birthday, Bianca!

Bianca aged up into a toddler!

Bennett aged up into an infant!

So did Hadley!

Twin infants after already having three kids... these two are brave.

Oh no, poor Toffee is sick!
Help is on the way, dear!

Nap time for Bennett!

And for Hadley!

Scott: "I'm exhausted."

Here's all the experimental food prints! They look so cool.

Servo and Scott are down in Tomerang to hopefully find some colored tassles at the Sulea Tiger Sanctuary!

Scott: "Ugh, I stink!"

Scott: "I'll be right back."

Servo: "I came here to find colored tassles and I ended up adopting a tiger."

The Parsons are now members of the 'Cub Club'! They even got a welcome letter that reads: Congrats on becoming a Cub Club member and thank you for your generous donation towards the Adopt-A-Tiger Program! Every Cub needs a fluffy friend, so be on the lookout for your plush buddy and an exclusive commemorative poster. This will arrive by mail in one to two business days. Your contribution is helping tigers thrive in, and out of, the Sulea Tiger Sanctuary and for that we think you're great! Be sure to come back and donate again later.

Hooray! Servo found a colored tassle by searching the beach!

Keep searching, Servo!

This hidden cave took me way too long to find because it's across the water.

I'm hoping Scott and Servo can find some more colored tassles inside the cave.

First, they need to swim across a very large body of water to get there.

I'm surprised that Scott can swim faster than Servo.

This poor townie is freezing!

Scott: "Finally... I made it."

Scott: "It took everything out of me, but I beat Servo."

Servo: "Slow and steady wins the race. That's why he's exhausted and I'm not."

Scott, you're freezing!

Scott: *Out of breath* "I made it... here... before Servo..."

Now, search for those tassles!

Scott: "I don't have any coffee, so maybe these vimberries will help me become energized."

Off into the cave they go!

Scott: "I found nothing... I stink and I'm exhausted. Can I go home, yet?"

Fine, off you go.

Please don't drown or freeze before you make it to the other side!

Might as well search for more metals while we're here, right?

Servo: "I just found some gold."

Hooray! That's one out of three of the new metals!

Servo needs to paint a mural for his career task. Luckily, there's plenty of space in the backyard.

Scott: "Are you ready to reach some milestones today?"

Look who's up and ready to roar!

Tummy time for Hadley!

Uh oh... poor Bennett had a diaper blowout!

So did Hadley at the exact same time, somehow.

Scott: "Nothing a bath can't fix."

Nice and clean again!

And ready for tummy time!

Elle: "Mommy, I set the table."

Kirsten: "Great job, sweetie, but I think we need more than two placemats."

At least she tried.

Rachel: "How do I learn to talk?"

Doggo: "Just keep babbling and you'll be level 5 in no time."

Bianca: "I love babbling as much as I love throwing food in the air!"

Scott: "Hey, Leilani! Wanna come inside and help out with the kids?"

Leilani: "Not really. I just came here for a homecooked meal from Servo."

A poster and adorable tiger plushie toy have finally arrived from the Sulea Tiger Sanctuary with the cutest message: This adorable little plushie is a thank you gift on behalf of the Sulea Tiger Sanctuary. We've affectionately named him Tibert, but feel free to re-name him as you see fit! We hope he brings joy, and helps you remember your adopted tiger friend. Thanks for supporting our conservation efforts! Sincerely, Sulea Tiger Sanctuary, Conservationists, Staff and Tigers.

This is the cutest thing ever! You best believe I will be keeping Tibert in the Parsons family forever!

Bianca: "The tiger plushie toy is better than you, superhero toy."

Servo is back down at the Festival of Snow once again.

Let's hope he finally finds these last two simmies.

Servo: "I found them!"

I can't believe it... within the first few capsules, Servo actually found the last two simmies the Parsons needed! They've finally completed their simmi collection after so long!

Golden Mayor Whiskers Simmi and Golden Pit Beast Simmi, you had no business being so difficult to find, but I'm glad you've now been added to the collection.

After way too many trips to the Festival of Snow, the Parsons have completed their simmies collection at last!

The Parsons are down in San Myshuno to search for snow globes... yet, there's none to be seen anywhere even though it's snowing!

Since it's New Year's Eve, they might as well stick around at the karaoke bar.

Servo: "I can't wait to hear this abomination."

Scott: ♫ "Oh yEaAaAh!" ♫

Kirsten: ♫ "CoMe oN NooOoOW!"

The paparazzi has found Servo in this tiny karaoke room.

Kirsten: ♫ "CaN yOu FeEeEeL iT?!" ♫

Servo: "Enough! It's time for a true professional to get on the mic."

Servo: "This will be a HEAVY METAL song."


Scott: "Servo's HEAVY METAL voice is surprisingly angelic."

Kirsten: "Go, Servo!"
Scott: "Show that karaoke machine who's boss!"




Servo: "Who wants the best juice they've ever had in their lives made by someone competent?"

Kirsten: "I do!"

Scott: "Me too!"

Bartender: "Hey, I'm competent. I've been doing this job for two whole sim days!"

Fan: "I'm gonna stare at Servo with my creepy red eyes until he notices me."

Servo: "Mix, mix, mix."

Servo: "Enjoy!"

Kirsten: *Gulp*
Scott: "I can't believe he made you a drink first."

Scott: "I'm waiting for my drink, Servo!"

Ooh, that looks pretty!

The paparazzi and fans continue to swarm.

Kirsten: "Now, I need to tinkle. I hope I make it back before the countdown to midnight!"

It's happening!

Everyone: "Shashoobee!"

Everyone: "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Happy birthday, Rachel!

Rachel aged up into a child!

Bubblegum: "The automatic food bowl is empty. Fix it now, or else."

Rachel: "I lost my tooth while eating this taco casserole!"

Bianca: "Yummy! Taco casserole!"

Rachel: "This is fun, but I wanna learn to ride a bike!"

Rachel: "Woah!"

Hadley lifted her head for the first time!

So did Bennett!

BEWARE! Very dangerous guard dog at the door!

You're seriously eating the taco casserole on the swings instead of at the dining table?

Kirsten: "It's the only place I'll get any peace and quiet."

Elle is making some crafts for the crafted items room. She also just reached level 10 of the creativity skill!

Rachel "AHH! Bees!"

Rachel: "I can't believe they stung me!"

Well, you're standing right next to the bee box, so I don't know why you're surprised.

Bubblegum is a heavy sleeper. She's sleeping over Toffee playing with a very loud squeaky toy.

Hooray! Hadley sat up for the first time!

Kirsten: "We've got another milestone over here!"

Bennett sat up for the first time, too!

Now, he can try his first baby food.

He loves pureed pumpkin!

Oop- another diaper blowout.

Kirsten: "Just when I thought trying baby food for the first time finally went off without a hitch... this happens."

Scott is headed outside to search for metals once again.

Scott: "Are there any metals hiding in this dirt pile, by any chance?"

Kirsten: "Are you kidding me?"

The twins always seem to have diaper blowouts at the exact same time.

To make matters worse, Toffee has been jumping in puddles caused by the broken shower.

Thank gosh for the fixer bot.

Rachel and Elle have brought home some school projects!

So many baths needed today.

Hopefully Hadley can learn to crawl today.

Rachel: "This is gonna be the coolest volcano ever."

Elle: "My princess castle will be even cooler."

Scott is here to help out!

Scott: "I have no idea how to build a princess castle."

Bubblegum: "What a loser."

The party bot is throwing confetti, so that only means one thing.

Kirsten: "Another milestone!"

Hooray! Elle's school project is complete!

So is Rachel's!

Rachel: "I'm so excited-"

Rachel: "AHH! Bees!"

The party bot is waiting for another milestone to occur.

Hooray! Bennett is now crawling!

Don't crawl too far, now.

Happy birthday, Bennett!

Birthday confetti!

Hadley looks like she doesn't want to age up.

Happy birthday, Hadley!

Happy birthday, Scott!

Happy birthday, Kirsten!

Bennett aged up into a toddler!

So did Hadley!

Scott aged up into an adult!

So did Kirsten!

Hadley: "I didn't want to age up!"

These two are twins.

Kirsten: "Isn't my new haircut fabulous?"

It sure is!

It's Love Day time! 💘💌💋

Kirsten is getting into painting so that she can help complete the paintings in the crafted items room.

Most of the paintings the Parsons don't have yet require the painter to be bad at painting to be completed.

Kirsten: "Hey... was that an insult?"

Aww, Bianca is getting into painting too, on the tablet!

Hadley: "My turn next!"

Elle: "Is dad seriously riding a bike in the front door?"
Rachel: "He's so embarrassing."

Kirsten has been painting all day and has painted so many paintings the Parsons don't have yet!

Happy birthday, Bianca!

Bianca aged up into a child!

Kirsten: "Who needs help with their homework from a genius?"


Oh no, poor Bubblegum is sick!

Help is on the way, dear! ...Again.

Happy birthday, Elle!

Bonehilda: *Blows horn so loud it can be heard in Tomerang*

Elle aged up into a teen!

Elle: "High school, here I come!"

Bianca: "That just means more homework."

Elle: "...You're right."

Hooray! Servo has reached the top of the critic career in the arts critic branch!

Next, he'll be joining the writer career in the author branch.

Look who came over to visit!

Griffin: "I'm just here for the food."

Servo's work task of the day is to write an entire book... no biggie, right?

Hadley: "Where's my chicken dino nuggets?"

Griffin: "It must suck being picked as the heir and having to stay here forever."

Scott: "It does... don't remind me!"

Looks like Bianca was right, Elle has way more homework now that she's in high school.

Toffee: "Let's play!"

Bubblgum: "Get away from me, peasant!"

Now that Elle can't make crafts anymore, Rachel has taken over!

I put one of Servo's books in the crafted items room and I never knew if you place a book on this kind of shelf, they get their own little stand!

I guess I'd better place Servo's other books so they can be apart of the collection.

Bubblegum: "Maybe I should write my own book."