Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Chapter 167

Rosie has claimed this bed.

Paisley: "I wonder how my adorable bugs are doing."

Paisley: "Hi there, little guy!"

Paisley: "Oh, you're so cute."

Servo: "I can't wait to play with the bugs after I do the laundry."

Paisley has collected some bio fuel from the bugs.

She's also made sure they're all fed.

Her and Servo are obsessed with the bugs.

I don't know if this is the safest thing for Servo to do, he might get splashed with water.

Why can't y'all get along like you always do?!

Paisley: "The pets are crazy."

So is this entire family.

Paisley: "The neighborhood voting is almost open!"

Why must you always get on your bike indoors?

Paisley has been waiting for the neighborhood vote to happen all week.

I wonder what she's gonna vote for today.

Paisley: "Oh my gosh!"

Paisley: *Wheeze*

Paisley: *Cough, cough, cough*

I feel so bad for all the sims that live here, the air is barely breathable.

Paisley: "What will I vote for today?"

Paisley: "Ah, I know, I'll vote for Clean Energy Production! Since I have a few more points, I'll also vote for Upcycling Initiative."

Paisley: "That should do it, those votes should help Evergreen Harbor immensely!"

Townie Kid: "I hope Roughhousing Encouraged wins the voting."

Paisley: "Hey, I think I just felt a drop of rain."

Paisley: "I love the rain!"

Even the rain looks polluted.

Paisley: "I even love the polluted rain!"

Elodie: "Can I catch the last bottle?"

Let's hope so, that looks expensive!

Elodie: "Ha, I knew I'd catch it!"

Just a cutie patootie on a bicycle.

Back at home, the daily stove fire is occurring.

Paisley: "Does this really have to keep happening everyday?"
Mackenzie: "This is giving me memories of the tombs from the jungle!"

Servo was the one to save the day this time!


That was stupid.

Jaxton: "I get it, okay?"

Townie: "Why is there a crazy blue-haired lady on a bike coming towards me?"

Paisley has to interview a neighbor for her new job as a civil designer. I'm a little annoyed, she aged up right before the weekend, so now she has to wait until Monday to officially start work.

The townie looks terrified. I would be too.

Paisley: "Hey there, neighbor!"

Townie: "Hello."

Paisley: "Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior 'recycling'?"

Townie: "Recycling? I don't see the point."

Paisley: "You don't see the point of making Evergreen Harbor a better place? With a little eco-friendly living, this place could really thrive."

Townie: "Don't tell me what to do with my own home! If I wanted to add eco-friendly appliances, I would do that. I don't appreciate this whole 'interview' you're conducting."

Paisley: *How did she know it was an interview?* "Fine, looks like this conversation is going nowhere because you're a complete Karen."

Paisley: "At least I'm passionate about saving this place, that's all Evergreen Harbor needs."

What else is on the notice board?

Paisley: "Some of the neighbors have been posting messages of encouragement for Evergreen Harbor becoming a better place. That makes me feel a whole lot better."

Paisley: "Ooh, I can see what's currently winning the voting-"

Paisley: "Are you kidding me?"

Paisley: "'Roughhousing Encouraged' is winning the votes?! What the heck's that gonna do?! No wonder Evergreen Harbor is in the state of pollution it's currently in!"

Deven: "Roughhousing Encouraged? That sounds so cool! I wanna vote for that!"

Paisley: "Seriously?"

Deven: "Uh... you seem a little bit... angry. Are you okay?"

Paisley: "What do you think?"

Deven: "What do I think? I think Roughhousing Encouraged would be so much fun!"

Paisley: "That's not what I was asking- never mind. I'll be leaving now."

Deven: "Wait, don't leave! What should I vote for?"

Paisley: "Oh, I don't know, maybe something that would actually benefit the environment, not something completely dumb."

Paisley: "What is wrong with the townies around here?! Is everyone dumb?!"

Deven: "That's the third time I've been called dumb this week. Wait... 3 comes after 4, right?"

Mortimer: "Gee, this guy is absent minded."

Deven: "I completely forgot what I was saying. Hey, I just remembered I'm carrying a ducky umbrella!"

Paisley: "Since he's so dumb and absent minded, maybe I can convince him to vote for Clean Energy Production instead. It doesn't seem like it'll take much to change his mind."

Paisley: "So, uh... I have a better idea on what you should vote for."

Paisley: "You see that?"

Deven: "Paw Patrol? That's my favorite show!"

Paisley: "Yeah, the doggy says you should vote for Clean Energy Production instead!"
Deven: "Then I have to vote for that!"

Mortimer: "Just when I thought this guy couldn't get any more dumb. Luckily, that means I can get him to vote for what I want to vote for too."

Mortimer: "I saw an episode of Paw Patrol where he said roughhousing was so much fun!"

Paisley: "Seriously?!"

Deven: "Hehe, I knew the doggy and I had something in common."

Paisley: "How dare Mortimer try to use Deven's dumb mind to his advantage!"

Deven: "I mean, I'm no expert, but didn't you just try to use my dumb mind to your advantage as well?"

Mortimer: "She most certainly did, fess up, Paisley."

Paisley: "Y'all are just playing a trick on me, aren't you? There's no way someone can be this absent minded."

Deven: "Hehe... don't you just love turtles?"

Paisley: "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Let's see what thoughts are really running through this guy's mind."

Deven: "Eugrghineskjfnefjk!"

Paisley: "Seriously? How is this possible? There's literally nothing running through this guy's mind. He's even more dumb that I thought."

Deven: "Did I just get struck by lightning? I feel funny. I also feel like I just completely forgot what I was saying, but that happens all the time. Hey, look, a bird."

Paisley: "Haha, yeah, birds are so cool."

Mortimer: "She's an alien and she just read all of your thoughts."

Deven: "Wow, aliens really do exist, I knew it! They're not as ugly as I thought they'd be. This alien is beautiful."

Paisley: "Was that a compliment or not?"

Deven: "It totally was a compliment, I just called you-"

Paisley: *Cough, cough, cough!*

Deven: "I just completely forgot what I was saying. Oh, yeah, aliens!"

Deven: "Have you ever been to Sixam? I've heard about that place before."

Paisley: "That's none of your business, dummy."

Deven: "Did she just call me a dummy? Wouldn't that mean that I have no brain?"

Paisley: "That's exactly what it means."

Deven: "If I had no brain, wouldn't I be completely stupid, clueless and unable to remember anything?"

Paisley: "That's exactly what you are."

Paisley: "Anyway, let me tell you about the things that are affecting this neighborhood. First of all-"

Deven: *Not listening* *I wonder what I'm gonna have for lunch today... maybe a chicken sandwich... but I don't wanna eat a poor innocent chicken, I love chickens. Maybe a salad... but then I'll still be hungry... and I don't like tomatoes. Maybe some cake... yeah... definitely some cake.*
Paisley: "Deven? Are you even listening to me?!"

Deven: "Huh? Yeah... hehe... I was listening to you the entire time!"

Paisley: "Great! I'm glad I could finally tell someone about the many awful things that are affecting this neighborhood."

We interrupt this program to show you this beautiful rainbow.

It's absolutely gorgeous! Okay, continue.

Deven: *Should I have a chocolate cake, a vanilla cake, or a strawberry cake?*

Paisley: "Don't you just clean energy production so much?"

Deven: "Huh? Oh... yeah! I love it more than anything!"

Paisley: "Then that's totally what you should vote for this week!"

Looks like Paisley might be able to convince Deven to vote for Clean Energy Production.

It doesn't look like convincing him would take much work, though. He's pretty dumb... I mean... absent minded.

Deven: "Clean energy consumption... I mean... instruction... I mean... what was it again?"

Paisley: "It's 'production', you almost got it!"

Paisley: "So, is that what you're gonna vote for this week?"

Deven: "Yeah, it sounds awesome!"

Paisley: "Mission accomplished."

Deven: "You seem like you're in a good mood now. Do you see these muscles? They're inside my arms."

Paisley: "Don't push it."

Deven: "Will you be voting next week too?"

Paisley: "Is that even a question?"

Paisley: "I'll be here voting every week, I want nothing more than to see this place thrive."

Deven: "Wow... that's dividing... I mean, mesmerising... I mean... what's the word? Oh, yeah! Inspiring!"

Paisley: "Gee, thanks! Anyways, I'll see you around, Deven!"

Deven: "Okay, see you later, Paisley!"

Deven: "She said she'll see me around? What does that mean? I'm not a circle... am I? Am I a pizza? I love pizza. Maybe I'll have some pizza for lunch... oh wait, I said I'm gonna have some cake. Mmm... cake..."

Deven is definitely the most absent minded sim ever.

Deven: "Why does everyone keep saying that? My mind is in my brain which is where my thoughts are... wait... I forgot what I was saying."

Paisley: "Wow."

Paisley: "I never knew how many stupid sims there are around here. Deven may be the most stupid sim I've ever met, but at least he isn't rude like that other townie.

Paisley: "And what's the deal with Deven? How can someone be so cute yet so stupid?"

Paisley checked up on The Parsons Restaurant today! In case you're wondering, the restaurant will be an ongoing business for many future generations to come and will be an active business that the Parsons check up on when they can. Even though they have employees working there now, they're actively continuing to try to reach the top, but it's going to take longer than they expected. They still also own their art gallery too, there just hasn't been any new art to add to it recently, but any business that the Parsons own, they always own, even if it's not shown as much in future generations. The businesses will still be shown when they can.

Paisley: "I have a headache from talking to Deven. It's amazing how clueless he was."

These are the new employees working in the restaurant!

Can they live up to the Parsons?

Uh oh, Eliza Pancakes is working here.

Paisley: "I bet that's not even Bob's baby that she's pregnant with."

Here comes a customer!

Paisley: "Let's see how well the new employees are doing, shall we?"

Lydia: "Hi there, welcome to The Parsons Restaurant! I'm Lydia, your hostess for this evening. Do you have a reservation?"

Customer: "I most certainly do."

Paisley: "This employee is better than Mackenzie ever was, why did you even hire Mackenzie in the first place?"

Eliza: "Could you hurry it up back there?"

Chef: "The customer hasn't even ordered yet."

Lydia: "Here's your table, our waitress will be with you in a moment."

The menu has improved a lot too since the Parsons were working here!

Paisley: "Hi there, welcome to The Parsons Restaurant! How do you like your table?"

Customer: "It's amazing, thank you."

Paisley: "May I recommend our special? It's an amazing recipe my dad used to always make."

Customer: "That sounds great, I'd absolutely love that."

Paisley: "Great! I'll make sure the chef cooks it to perfection for you!"

Paisley: "I hope you enjoy your meal."

Customer: "Thank you."

Paisley: "You're very welcome!"

Paisley: "The customer wants our special, make it exactly how my dad used to make it, please!"

Chef: "This is so much pressure!"

Another customer has arrived!

Lydia: "Hi there, welcome to The Parsons Restaurant! I'm Lydia, your hostess for the evening. Do you have a reservation?"

Customer: "Uh... no. I forgot to make one."

Customer: "Oof, I think I'm having contractions."

Paisley: "Hi there, welcome to The Parsons Restaurant! Are you enjoying your table?"

Customer: "Yes, I have a lovely view of this wall."

Paisley: "Your meal will be 10% off tonight, on me."

Customer: "Wow, thank you so much!"

Eliza: "I don't think so, that would mean it's coming out of my paycheck."

Customer: "And finally, I'll have the steak."

Eliza: "The customer ordered everything on the menu because they have a discount. Burn it."
Chef: "Get Eliza out of my kitchen!"

Customer: "That was a lovely meal, I'll definitely be back here."

There's a celebrity in the restaurant!

The customer glitched and left before her meal arrived.

Despite the occasional glitches, The Parsons Restaurant appears to continue to thrive! This is amazing! Now, time for Paisley to go home.

Paisley: "Ugh, it was nice being in a non-polluted area while it lasted."

Paisley: "That reminds me... stupid Evergreen Harbor townies."

Ralphie: "You gonna share some of that tasty meal or what?"

Paisley: "Who does this dog think he is?"

Jax was promoted to chef!

Jaxton: "Forget that, I'm starving!"

Rosie: "I smell leftover Harvestfest turkey."

Jaxton: "Aww, look at the cats, they're so cute!"


Servo: "The grubs and the beetles are even cuter than the cats, and that's saying a lot!"

Elodie was so close to being promoted!

What a polluted night in Evergreen Harbor.

Servo now has somewhere to plant the soybeans!

It may be waaay smaller than the old garden...

But it's still awesome!

Servo is loving being able to take care of some plants again.

Servo: "I'm glad I only have to fertilise one plant this time."

Paisley: *Cough, cough, cough!* It's so polluted out here, even worse than yesterday! And these neighbors had the audacity to vote for 'Roughhousing Encouraged'!"

Zhora: "But I like roughhousing."

Jaxton: "Me too, that would have been a fun vote."

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